首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>The Journal of Physiology >Limb neurovascular control during altered otolithic input in humans

Limb neurovascular control during altered otolithic input in humans




Head-down rotation (HDR), which activates the vestibulosympathetic reflex, increases leg muscle sympathetic nerve activity (MSNA) and produces calf vasoconstriction with no change in either cardiac output or arterial blood pressure. Based on animal studies, it was hypothesized that differential control of arm and leg MSNA explains why HDR does not alter arterial blood pressure. Fifteen healthy subjects were studied. Heart rate, arterial blood pressure, forearm and calf blood flow, and leg MSNA responses were measured during HDR in these subjects. Simultaneous recordings of arm and leg MSNA were obtained from five of the subjects. Forearm and calf blood flow, vascular conductances, and vascular resistances were similar before HDR, as were arm and leg MSNA. HDR elicited similar significant increases in leg (Δ6 ± 1 bursts min−1; 59 ± 16 % from baseline) and arm MSNA (Δ5 ± 1 bursts min−1; 80 ± 28 % from baseline). HDR significantly decreased calf (−19 ± 2 %) and forearm vascular conductance (−12 ± 2 %) and significantly increased calf (25 ± 4 %) and forearm vascular resistance (15 ± 2 %), with ∼60 % greater vasoconstriction in the calf than in the forearm. Arterial blood pressure and heart rate were not altered by HDR. These results indicate that there is no differential control of MSNA in the arm and leg during altered feedback from the otolith organs in humans, but that greater vasoconstriction occurs in the calf than in the forearm. These findings indicate that vasodilatation occurs in other vascular bed(s) to account for the lack of increase in arterial blood pressure during HDR.
机译:头向下旋转(HDR)激活前庭交感神经反射,增加腿部肌肉交感神经活动(MSNA)并产生小腿血管收缩,而心输出量或动脉血压均无变化。根据动物研究,假设手臂和腿部MSNA的差异控制可以解释为什么HDR不会改变动脉血压。研究了十五名健康受试者。在这些受试者的HDR期间,测量了心率,动脉血压,前臂和小腿的血流量以及腿部MSNA反应。从五个对象中同时获得了手臂和腿部MSNA的记录。 HDR前臂和小腿的血流量,血管电导和血管阻力与手臂和腿部MSNA相似。 HDR引起腿部(Δ6±1次猝发min -1 ;距基线59±16%)和手臂MSNA的相似显着增加(Δ5±1次猝发min -1 ; 80基线的±28%)。 HDR显着降低了小腿(−19±2%)和前臂血管导度(−12±2%),并显着增加了小腿(25±4%)和前臂血管阻力(15±2%),其中大血管收缩约60%小腿比前臂小。 HDR不会改变动脉血压和心率。这些结果表明,在人类耳石器官反馈改变的过程中,手臂和腿部没有MSNA的差异控制,但是与前臂相比,小腿的血管收缩更大。这些发现表明在其他血管床中发生血管舒张,以解释HDR期间缺乏动脉血压的升高。



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