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Effect of pulmonary stretch receptor feedback and CO2 on upper airway and respiratory pump muscle activity in the rat




class="enumerated" style="list-style-type:decimal">Our purpose was to examine the effects of chemoreceptor stimulation and lung inflation on neural drive to tongue protrudor and retractor muscles in the rat.Inspiratory flow, tidal volume, transpulmonary pressure, compliance and electromyographic (EMG) activity of genioglossus (GG), hyoglossus (HG) and inspiratory intercostal (IIC) muscles were studied in 11 anaesthetized, tracheotomized and spontaneously breathing rats. Mean EMG activity during inspiration was compared with mean EMG activity during an occluded inspiration, at each of five levels of inspired CO2 (0, 3, 6, 9 and 12 %).Lung inflation suppressed EMG activity in all muscles, with the effect on both tongue muscles exceeding that of the intercostal muscles. Static elevations of end-expiratory lung volume evoked by 2 cmH2O positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) had no effect on tongue muscle activity.Despite increasing inspiratory flow, tidal volume and transpulmonary pressure, the inhibition of tongue muscle activity by lung inflation diminished as arterial PCO2(Pa,CO2) increased.The onset of tongue muscle activity relative to the onset of IIC muscle activity advanced with increases in Pa,CO2 but was unaffected by lung inflation. This suggests that hypoglossal and external intercostal motoneuron pools are controlled by different circuits or have different sensitivities to CO2, lung inflation and/or anaesthetic agents.We conclude that hypoglossal motoneuronal activity is more strongly influenced by chemoreceptor-mediated facilitation than by lung volume-mediated inhibition. Hypoglossal motoneurons driving tongue protrudor and retractor muscles respond identically to these stimuli.
机译:class =“ enumerated” style =“ list-style-type:decimal”> <!-list-behavior =枚举前缀-word = mark-type = decimal max-label-size = 0-> 我们的目的是研究化学感受器刺激和肺膨胀对大鼠舌突和牵缩肌神经驱动的影响。 吸气流量,潮气量,跨肺压,顺应性和肌电图(EMG)活性在11只麻醉,气管切开和自发呼吸的大鼠中研究了glo舌肌(GG),舌下肌(HG)和吸入肋间(IIC)肌肉。在吸入的CO2的五个水平(0%,3%,6%,9%和12%)的每个水平上,比较了吸气期间的平均EMG活动与闭塞吸气期间的平均EMG活动。 肺通气抑制了所有的肌肉,对舌头双方肌肉的影响都超过肋间肌。 2 cmH2O呼气末正压(PEEP)引起的呼气末肺体积的静态升高对舌头肌肉活动没有影响。 尽管吸气量,潮气量和经肺压增加,但舌头受到抑制肺动脉扩张引起的肌肉活动随着动脉PCO2(Pa,CO2)的增加而减弱。 相对于IIC肌肉活动开始,舌肌活动的发生随着Pa,CO2的增加而发展,但不受肺充气影响。这表明舌下和外部肋间运动神经元池受不同回路控制,或对二氧化碳,肺膨胀和/或麻醉剂的敏感性不同。 我们得出结论,舌下神经元活动受化学感受器介导的影响更大促进作用比受肺量介导的抑制作用大。舌下运动神经元驱动舌突和牵开肌对这些刺激的反应相同。



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