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The usefulness of Vistech and FACT contrast sensitivity charts for cataract and refractive surgery outcomes research




>Aim: To investigate the repeatability and sensitivity of two commonly used sine wave patch charts for contrast sensitivity (CS) measurement in cataract and refractive surgery outcomes.>Methods: The Vistech CS chart and its descendant, the Functional Acuity Contrast Test (FACT), were administered in three experiments: (1) Post-LASIK and age matched normal subjects; (2) Preoperative cataract surgery and age matched normal subjects; (3) Test-retest repeatability data in normal subjects.>Results: Contrast sensitivity was similar between post-LASIK and control groups and between the Vistech and FACT charts. The percentage of subjects one month post-LASIK achieving the maximum score across spatial frequencies (1.5, 3, 6, 12, 18 cycles per degree) were (50, 33, 13, 13, 0 respectively) for FACT, but only (0, 0, 13, 4, 0 respectively) for Vistech. A small number of cataract patients also registered the maximum score on the FACT, but up to 60% did not achieve the minimum score. Test-retest intraclass correlation coefficients varied from 0.28 to 0.64 for Vistech and 0.18 to 0.45 for FACT. Bland-Altman limits of agreement across spatial frequencies were between ±0.30 and ±0.85 logCS for Vistech, and ±0.30 to ±0.75 logCS for FACT.>Discussion: The Vistech was confirmed as providing poorly repeatable data. The FACT chart, likely because of a smaller step size, showed slightly better retest agreement. However, the reduced range of scores on the chart due to the smaller step size led to ceiling (post-LASIK) and floor (cataract) effects. These problems could mask subtle differences between groups of patients with near normal visual function as found post-refractive or cataract surgery. The Vistech and FACT CS charts are ill suited for refractive or cataract surgery outcomes research.
机译:>目标:研究两个常用的正弦波斑图在白内障和屈光手术结局中对比敏感度(CS)测量的可重复性和敏感性。>方法: Vistech CS图表及其后代功能性对比试验(FACT)进行了三个实验:(1)LASIK术后和年龄相匹配的正常受试者; (2)术前白内障手术和年龄相匹配的正常人; (3)正常受试者的重测重复性数据。>结果:LASIK术后组和对照组以及Vistech和FACT图之间的对比敏感性相似。 LASIK术后一个月在FACT上跨空间频率(1.5、3、6、12、18个周期每度)达到最高分的受试者的百分比为(分别为50、33、13、13、0)FACT,但只有(0 ,分别为0、13、4、0)。少数白内障患者在FACT上也获得了最高分,但高达60%的患者没有达到最低分。测试-重新测试组内相关系数从Vistech的0.28到0.64,对于FACT的0.18到0.45。对于Vistech,跨空间频率的Bland-Altman一致性限制在±0.30至±0.85 logCS之间,对于FACT,在Blan-Altman之间的限制在±0.30至±0.75 logCS之间。>讨论:经证实,Vistech提供的数据可重复性差。 FACT图可能是由于步长较小,显示出更好的重新测试一致性。但是,由于步长较小,导致图表上分数范围的减小,导致了上限(LASIK后)和下限(白内障)效应。这些问题可能掩盖屈光后或白内障手​​术后具有近乎正常视觉功能的患者群体之间的细微差别。 Vistech和FACT CS图表不适用于屈光或白内障手​​术结果研究。



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