
Pesky trachoma suspect finally caught




>Aim: Face seeking flies have long been thought to transmit Chlamydia trachomatis, the causative agent of trachoma, but this has never been proven. The four criteria proposed by Barnett, previously used to incriminate other arthropods suspected of transmitting disease, were examined. One of these criteria remains unmet: the repeated demonstration of the presence of C trachomatis on flies. The authors used polymerase chain reaction (PCR) to look for the presence of C trachomatis DNA on flies in the Gurage Zone of Ethiopia. >Methods: Using sticky paper, one fly was collected from the face of each of 103 children aged 1–10 years. The piece of fly paper to which the fly was attached was cut out, followed by the collection of an empty piece from an arbitrary area of the fly paper, which served as control. Roche Amplicor PCR kits were used to detect C trachomatis DNA. >Results: Evidence of C trachomatis by PCR was found on 15 of 103 flies versus 0 of 103 controls (p = 0.0001). >Conclusion: These results meet the final criterion needed to incriminate flies as a vector of trachoma. However, interventional studies will be needed to show the importance of fly control.
机译:>目的:长期以来,人们一直认为,寻人蝇可以传播沙眼衣原体,沙眼衣原体是沙眼的病原体,但从未得到证实。检验了Barnett提出的四个标准,该标准以前用来判别其他疑似传播疾病的节肢动物。这些标准之一仍未得到满足:果蝇中反复存在沙眼衣原体。作者使用聚合酶链反应(PCR)来寻找埃塞俄比亚古拉格地区果蝇中沙眼衣原体DNA的存在。 >方法::使用粘纸从103名1至10岁儿童的脸上收集了一只苍蝇。切下附着有苍蝇的苍蝇纸,然后从苍蝇纸的任意区域收集一块空纸,作为对照。使用罗氏Amplicor PCR试剂盒检测沙眼衣原体DNA。 >结果:在103例蝇中有15例苍蝇通过PCR证实了沙眼衣原体,而103例对照中有0例(p = 0.0001)。 >结论:这些结果符合将苍蝇定为沙眼载体所需的最终标准。但是,将需要进行干预研究以显示苍蝇控制的重要性。



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