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Gene transfer by viral vectors into blood vessels in a rat model of retinopathy of prematurity




AIMS—To test the feasibility of gene transfer into hyaloid blood vessels and into preretinal neovascularisation in a rat model of retinopathy of prematurity (ROP), using different viral vectors.
METHODS—Newborn rats were exposed to alternating hypoxic and hyperoxic conditions in order to induce ocular neovascularisation (ROP rats). Adenovirus, herpes simplex, vaccinia, and retroviral (MuLV based) vectors, all carrying the β galactosidase (β-gal) gene, were injected intravitreally on postnatal day 18 (P18). Two sets of controls were also examined: P18 ROP rats injected with saline and P18 rats that were raised in room air before the viral vectors or saline were injected. Two days after injection, the rats were killed, eyes enucleated, and β-gal expression was examined by X-gal staining in whole mounts and in histological sections.
RESULTS—Intravitreal injection of the adenovirus and vaccinia vectors yielded marked β-gal expression in hyaloid blood vessels in the rat ROP model. Retinal expression of β-gal with these vectors was limited almost exclusively to the vicinity of the injection site. Injection of herpes simplex yielded a punctuate pattern of β-gal expression in the retina but not in blood vessels. No significant β-gal expression occurred in rat eyes injected with the retroviral vector.
CONCLUSIONS—Adenovirus is an efficient vector for gene transfer into blood vessels in an animal model of ROP. This may be a first step towards utilising gene transfer as a tool for modulating ocular neovascularisation for experimental and therapeutic purposes.

方法—新生大鼠暴露于低氧和高氧环境中为了诱导眼新血管形成(ROP大鼠)。在出生后第18天,玻璃体内注射全部带有β半乳糖苷酶(β-gal)基因的腺病毒,单纯疱疹,牛痘和逆转录病毒(基于MuLV)载体。还检查了两组对照:注射了盐水的P18 ROP大鼠和在注射病毒载体或盐水之前在室内空气中饲养的P18大鼠。注射后两天,处死大鼠,摘除眼球,并通过X-gal染色在整个坐骑和组织切片中检查β-gal的表达。
结果—玻璃体内注射腺病毒和牛痘载体产生明显的β -RO在大鼠ROP模型中透明质酸血管中的表达。用这些载体使β-gal的视网膜表达几乎完全限于注射部位附近。单纯疱疹注射在视网膜中产生了点状的β-gal表达,但在血管中却没有。注射逆转录病毒载体的大鼠眼中未见明显的β-gal表达。



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