首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>The British Journal of Ophthalmology >Open lacrimal surgery: a comparison of admission outcome and complications after planned day case or inpatient management

Open lacrimal surgery: a comparison of admission outcome and complications after planned day case or inpatient management




AIMS—To assess the outcome, in terms of completion of admission and complication rates, for two series of patients undergoing open lacrimal surgery, one group planned for a day case admission and the other planned for inpatient stay.
METHODS—A retrospective analysis of case notes was performed for 200 patients planned to have day case admission (for 209 open lacrimal operations) and the details compared with those for 200 inpatient admissions (for 228 lacrimal procedures) during the same period of study. The success rates for surgery were not examined.
RESULTS—9% of planned day cases required overnight admission, 5.5% for medical reasons and 3.5% for social or administrative reasons. There was a similar incidence of postoperative complications in planned day cases and inpatients, although 6% of day case patients developed postoperative cellulitis, compared with 1.3% of the inpatients (p= 0.01). Overall, the incidence of cellulitis was greater in cases complicated by intraoperative haemorrhage (p < 0.05) or the use of absorbable nasal packing (p < 0.0001). A similar number of patients in each group attended the accident and emergency department before the planned first postoperative clinic visit.
CONCLUSION—Patients undergoing open lacrimal surgery can be safely managed as day cases if carefully selected for suitability on social and medical criteria. The use of general anaesthesia is not, in itself, a contraindication to day case lacrimal surgery.

Keywords: day case surgery; dacryocystorhinostomy; open lacrimal surgery; cellulitis
结果-9%的计划白天病例需要通宵入院,5.5%出于医疗原因而3.5%出于社会或行政原因。在计划的日间病例和住院患者中,术后并发症的发生率相似,尽管日间病例中有6%的患者发生了术后蜂窝织炎,而住院患者中只有1.3%(p = 0.01)。总体而言,在合并术中出血(p <0.05)或使用可吸收的鼻腔填充物(p <0.0001)的情况下,蜂窝组织炎的发生率更高。在计划的首次术后门诊就诊之前,每组中有相似数量的患者参加了急诊科。




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