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Increased sensitivity of gastrin cells to gastric distension following antral denervation in the rat.




1. Secretion of the antral hormone gastrin is increased by protein in the gastric lumen and by nervous reflexes. We have examined the relative importance of luminal and neuronal mechanisms, by lesioning the antral innervation using benzalkonium chloride. 2. Benzalkonium chloride was applied to the serosa of the antrum in anaesthetized rats. In some animals, a stainless-steel cannula was also implanted in the corpus. Animals were allowed 10 days to recover. Plasma gastrin was measured by radioimmunoassay and mRNAs encoding gastrin, somatostatin and histidine decarboxylase were measured by Northern blot. 3. Antral denervation was associated with gastric retention after fasting, and elevated plasma gastrin (28.4 +/- 7 pM compared with 7.6 +/- 1.0 pM in controls). When fasted control or denervated rats were refed, plasma gastrin increased 3-fold in both cases. A gastrin-releasing peptide antagonist inhibited the post-prandial rise in plasma gastrin in control rats, but had no effect in antrally denervated rats. 4. In fasted, antrally denervated rats with a gastric fistula, basal gastric acid secretion was depressed 3-fold, and plasma gastrin concentrations were similar to controls. 5. Distension of the stomach with peptone via a barostat attached to the gastric cannula (5 cm H2O, 30 min), produced 3-fold increases in plasma gastrin in both control and denervated rats. However, distension with a non-nutrient solution at pH 6.0 had no effect in controls, but increased gastrin to a similar extent to peptone in denervated rats; distension with 50 mM HCl had no effect in either control or denervated rats. 6. Somatostatin and gastrin mRNA abundances in the antrum were depressed by about 35% by antral denervation, but somatostatin mRNA in the corpus was unchanged; GAPDH mRNA abundance was unaffected by antral denervation. 7. The data suggest that luminal nutrient releases gastrin in the rat, in vivo, via activation of antral neurons secreting gastrin-releasing peptide, and that the antral innervation normally inhibits G-cell responses to non-nutrient distension of the stomach. After antral denervation, gastric distension with a non-nutrient solution is an adequate stimulus for gastrin release.
机译:1.胃腔中的蛋白质和神经反射会增加窦性激素胃泌素的分泌。我们已经通过使用苯扎氯铵破坏肛门神经支配来检查腔内和神经元机制的相对重要性。 2.将苯扎氯铵应用于麻醉大鼠的窦浆膜。在一些动物中,不锈钢套管也被植入了主体。使动物10天恢复。通过放射免疫测定法测定血浆胃泌素,并通过Northern印迹法测定编码胃泌素,生长抑素和组氨酸脱羧酶的mRNA。 3.禁食后,肛门神经支配与胃retention留和血浆胃泌素升高(对照组为28.4 +/- 7 pM,而对照组为7.6 +/- 1.0 pM)相关。当禁食对照或去神经大鼠后,血浆胃泌素在这两种情况下增加了3倍。释放胃泌素的肽拮抗剂可抑制对照组大鼠餐后胃泌素的升高,但对无神经支配的大鼠无影响。 4.在空腹,胃神经支配的胃瘘大鼠中,基础胃酸分泌降低了3倍,血浆胃泌素浓度与对照组相似。 5.通过连接至胃套管的恒压器,蛋白one使胃膨胀(5 cm H2O,30分钟),在对照和失神经大鼠中血浆胃泌素增加了3倍。然而,在pH 6.0的非营养溶液中膨胀对对照组没有影响,但是在失神经的大鼠中胃泌素的增加与蛋白ept相似。用50 mM HCl充胀对对照组或失神经的大鼠均无影响。 6.肛门神经支配术使胃窦中生长抑素和胃泌素mRNA的丰度降低了约35%,但the体中生长抑素的mRNA保持不变。 GAPDH mRNA丰度不受肛门神经支配的影响。 7.数据表明,腔内营养物质可通过激活分泌胃泌素释放肽的窦性神经元在体内释放大鼠胃泌素,并且胃窦神经支配通常会抑制G细胞对非营养性胃扩张的反应。肛门神经支配后,用非营养液使胃胀大是胃泌素释放的充分刺激。



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