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Transient potentiation of spontaneous EPSPs in rat mossy cells induced by depolarization of a single neurone.




1. The amplitude and frequency of spontaneously occurring EPSPs recorded intracellularly in rat mossy cells was estimated by measuring membrane potential variance in short segments of a continuous voltage record. Changes in variance reflected changes in the amplitude and/or the frequency of spontaneous EPSPs. 2. Short trains of depolarizing current pulses evoked a delayed increase in membrane potential variance in 55% of trials. Variance increased by 487% during these responses and remained elevated for 124 +/- 16 s. Increases in variance were not associated with large changes in the intrinsic properties of the mossy cell such as resting membrane potential and input resistance. We termed this phenomenon depolarization-related potentiation (DRP). 3. Epochs of elevated variance were associated with an increase in both the average amplitude and frequency of spontaneous EPSPs. During the peak of the response, the mean interval between spontaneous EPSPs decreased by 36.8%. Computer-generated voltage records with randomly distributed EPSP amplitudes and inter-EPSP intervals suggested that this decrease in inter-EPSP intervals was not sufficient to account for the magnitude of the variance increase observed. Based on this model, we estimated that a 90% increase in the average amplitude of spontaneous EPSPs, in addition to the experimentally measured decrease in the average inter-EPSP interval, was required to reproduce the magnitude of the change in variance observed. In the potentiated state, the amplitude of spontaneous EPSPs often exceeded 10 mV. 4. We also observed epochs of increased variance that occurred spontaneously. These spontaneous epochs closely resembled epochs evoked by depolarizing stimuli, suggesting that the stimulus was acting as a trigger for a spontaneously occurring behaviour. Additional evidence supporting this hypothesis was provided by the observation that stereotyped patterns of increased variance could be evoked by brief stimuli, such as a single 5 s depolarizing step. Dual intracellular recordings from two mossy cells demonstrated that spontaneous epochs of increased variance occurred independently in different neurones. This result makes it unlikely that these variance increases were due to a global change in the slice environment such as a propagating wave of potassium ions. 5. Bath application of the Na+ channel blocker TTX eliminated most, but not all, of the normal on-going spontaneous EPSPs in mossy cells. Treatment with depolarizing current pulses was effective in potentiating TTX-resistant spontaneous EPSPs in three of seven trials. Potentiation also decreased the mean interval between TTX-resistant miniature EPSPs (by an average of 66.9%) in two trials examined. 6. These results suggest that DRP results from the activation of an intrinsic phenomenon within the dentate gyrus by strong depolarization of a single mossy cell. Our data suggest that several mechanisms are involved in the expression of DRP since changes in EPSP amplitude and frequency can occur with varying delays from the stimulus. The ability of depolarizing current pulses to potentiate TTX-resistant miniature EPSPs suggests that at least one component of this plasticity occurs at the granule cell-mossy cell synapse.
机译:1.通过测量连续电压记录的短段中的膜电位变化,估算大鼠苔藓细胞内细胞内自发发生的EPSP的幅度和频率。方差的变化反映了自发EPSP的幅度和/或频率的变化。 2.在55%的试验中,短时间的去极化电流脉冲序列引起膜电位方差的延迟增加。在这些响应期间,方差增加了487%,并在124 +/- 16 s内保持升高。方差的增加与长满苔藓细胞的固有特性(例如静息膜电位和输入电阻)没有关系。我们称这种现象为去极化相关电位(DRP)。 3.方差升高的时期与自发EPSP的平均幅度和频率的增加有关。在响应的峰值期间,自发EPSP之间的平均间隔减少了36.8%。具有随机分布的EPSP幅度和EPSP间隔的计算机生成的电压记录表明,EPSP间隔的这种减少不足以解决观察到的方差增加的幅度。基于此模型,我们估计,除了实验测量到的平均EPSP间隔的减少外,自发EPSP的平均幅度要增加90%,才能再现观察到的方差变化的幅度。在增强状态下,自发EPSP的幅度通常超过10 mV。 4.我们还观察到自发发生方差增加的时期。这些自发时期与去极化刺激所引起的时期非常相似,表明刺激是自发发生行为的触发。通过观察发现,短暂的刺激(如单个5 s的去极化步骤)可以引起方差增加的刻板印象,这提供了支持该假设的其他证据。来自两个长满苔藓的细胞的双重细胞内记录表明,在不同的神经元中独立发生了自发的变化增加的时期。该结果使得这些差异增加不太可能归因于切片环境的整体变化,例如钾离子的传播波。 5. Na +通道阻滞剂TTX的沐浴应用消除了苔藓细胞中的大多数(但不是全部)正常的持续自发性EPSP。在七项试验中的三项中,使用去极化电流脉冲进行治疗可有效增强TTX耐药性自发性EPSP。在两项检查的试验中,增强作用还降低了耐TTX的微型EPSP之间的平均间隔(平均降低了66.9%)。 6.这些结果表明,DRP是由单个苔藓细胞的强去极化作用引起的齿状回内部固有现象的激活而产生的。我们的数据表明,DRP的表达涉及多种机制,因为EPSP振幅和频率的变化可能会随着刺激的变化而发生变化。使电流脉冲去极化以增强耐TTX的微型EPSP的能力表明,这种可塑性的至少一种成分发生在颗粒细胞-苔藓细胞突触处。



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