首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>The Journal of Physiology >Na(+)-activated K+ channels localized in the nodal region of myelinated axons of Xenopus.

Na(+)-activated K+ channels localized in the nodal region of myelinated axons of Xenopus.

机译:Na(+)激活的K +通道位于非洲爪蟾的髓质轴突的节点区域。



1. A potassium channel activated by internal Na+ ions (K+Na channel) was identified in peripheral myelinated axons of Xenopus laevis using the cell-attached and excised configurations of the patch clamp technique. 2. The single-channel conductance for the main open state was 88 pS with [K+]o = 105 mM and pS with [K+]o = 2.5 mM ([K+]i = 105 mM). The channel was selectively permeable to K+ over Na+ ions. A characteristic feature of the K+Na channel was the frequent occurrence of subconductance states. 3. The open probability of the channel was strongly dependent on the concentration of Na+ ions at the inner side of the membrane. The half-maximal activating Na+ concentration and the Hill coefficient were 33 mM and 2.9, respectively. The open probability of the channel showed only weak potential dependence. 4. The K+Na channel was relatively insensitive to external tetraethylammonium (TEA+) in comparison with voltage-dependent axonal K+ channels; the half-maximal inhibitory concentration (IC50) was 21.3 mM (at -90 mV). In contrast, the channel was blocked by low concentrations of external Ba2+ and Cs+ ions, with IC50 values of 0.7 and 1.1 mM, respectively (at -90 mV). The block by Ba2+ and Cs+ was more pronounced at negative than at positive membrane potentials. 5. A comparison of the number of K+Na channels in nodal and paranodal patches from the same axon revealed that the channel density was about 10-fold higher at the node of Ranvier than at the paranode. Moreover, a correlation between the number of K+Na channels and voltage-dependent Na+ channels in the same patches was found, suggesting co-localization of both channel types. 6. As weakly potential-dependent ('leakage') channels, axonal K+Na channels may be involved in setting the resting potential of vertebrate axons. Simulations of Na+ ion diffusion suggest two possible mechanisms of activation of K+Na channels: the local increase of Na+ concentration in a cluster of Na+ channels during a single action potential or the accumulation in the intracellular axonal compartment during a train of action potentials.
机译:1.使用膜片钳技术的细胞附着和切除构型,在非洲爪蟾的外周髓鞘轴突中鉴定出由内部Na +离子激活的钾通道(K + Na通道)。 2.在[K +] o = 105 mM时,主开路状态的单通道电导为88 pS,在[K +] o = 2.5 mM时为[p]([K +] i = 105 mM)。该通道对Na +离子的K +有选择性渗透。 K + Na通道的一个特征是次导状态的频繁发生。 3.通道的打开可能性在很大程度上取决于膜内侧的Na +离子浓度。半数活化Na +的最大浓度和希尔系数分别为33 mM和2.9。通道的开放概率仅显示出弱的电位依赖性。 4.与电压依赖性轴突K +通道相比,K + Na通道对外部四乙铵(TEA +)相对不敏感;半最大抑制浓度(IC50)为21.3 mM(在-90 mV时)。相反,该通道被低浓度的外部Ba2 +和Cs +离子阻塞,IC50值分别为0.7和1.1 mM(在-90 mV时)。 Ba2 +和Cs +的阻滞在负电势下比在正电势下更明显。 5.比较来自同一轴突的节和面旁斑块中的K + Na通道数量,发现Ranvier节点处的通道密度比节点旁的高约10倍。此外,在同一贴片中发现了K + Na通道数与电压依赖性Na +通道之间的相关性,这表明这两种通道类型都存在共定位。 6.作为弱电位依赖性(“泄漏”)通道,轴突K + Na通道可能参与设定脊椎动物轴突的静息电位。 Na +离子扩散的模拟表明,激活K + Na通道的两种可能机制是:在单个动作电位期间,Na +通道簇中的Na +浓度局部增加;在一系列动作电位期间,Na +浓度在细胞内轴突区室中积累。



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