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The role of GABAA and GABAB receptors in presynaptic inhibition of Ia EPSPs in cat spinal motoneurones.

机译:GABAA和GABAB受体在猫脊髓运动神经元中突触前抑制Ia EPSP的作用。



1. The role of GABAA and GABAB receptors in presynaptic inhibition was studied by examining the effect of local application of antagonists by ionophoresis during intracellular recording of presynaptic inhibition of compound and unitary group Ia afferent excitatory postsynaptic potentials (EPSPs) in gastrocnemius motoneurones. 2. Ionophoresis of the GABAA antagonist bicuculline methochloride (BMC) was found to block presynaptic inhibition of both compound and unitary EPSPs by up to 85%. BMC also substantially reduced, and occasionally abolished, the late part of the inhibitory postsynaptic potential (IPSP) evoked in motoneurones by the conditioning stimulation. The early part of this IPSP was found to be sensitive to ionophoresis of strychnine hydrochloride. 3. Ionophoresis of 2-OH-saclofen caused a reduction in presynaptic inhibition of compound EPSPs by 5-25% but had no effect on the IPSP evoked in motoneurones by the conditioning stimulation. 4. Ionophoresis of the GABAB antagonist (-)-baclofen reduced the amplitude of unconditioned EPSPs; however it had little effect on presynaptic inhibition. 5. It was concluded that at the Ia afferent-motoneurone synapse presynaptic inhibition is mediated primarily through the activation of GABAA receptors. The activation of GABAB receptors appears to play only a minor role in presynaptic inhibition at this synapse. This contrasts with the relative ease with which (-)-baclofen can reduce transmitter release from Ia afferent terminals and suggests that the receptors activated by (-)-baclofen are predominantly extrasynaptic.
机译:1.通过在细胞内记录化合物和单位Ia传入神经兴奋性腓肠肌神经元的兴奋性突触后电位(EPSPs)的细胞内记录过程中,通过离子渗透法研究了局部应用离子电渗疗法来研究GABAA和GABAB受体在突触前抑制中的作用。 2.发现GABAA拮抗剂双小分子甲基氯化物(BMC)的离子渗透法可抑制化合物和单一EPSP的突触前抑制高达85%。 BMC还通过条件刺激极大地降低了机能神经元诱发的抑制性突触后电位(IPSP)的后期部分,有时甚至取消了。发现该IPSP的早期部分对盐酸士的宁的离子电渗疗法敏感。 3. 2-OH-沙氯芬的离子渗透作用使化合物EPSP的突触前抑制降低了5-25%,但对调理刺激引起的运动神经元诱发的IPSP没有影响。 4. GABAB拮抗剂(-)-baclofen的离子渗透降低了无条件EPSP的幅度;但是它对突触前抑制作用很小。 5.得出的结论是,在Ia传入神经元突触的突触前抑制主要是通过激活GABAA受体来介导的。 GABA B受体的激活似乎在该突触的突触前抑制中仅起次要作用。这与(-)-baclofen可以减少从Ia传入末端释放递质的相对容易形成对照,并表明被(-)-baclofen激活的受体主要是突触外的。



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