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Phase-dependent dynamic responses of respiratory motor activities following perturbation of the cycle in the cat.




1. Electroneurographical (ENG) activities of a phrenic nerve, a thyroarytenoid (TA) branch of a recurrent laryngeal nerve, and a triangularis sterni (TS) branch of an internal intercostal nerve were recorded in decerebrate, vagotomized and paralysed cats. A superior laryngeal nerve (SLN) was stimulated electrically. Our objective was to evaluate transient changes in motor activity following a brief perturbation of the respiratory cycle by SLN stimulation. 2. Each motor nerve recorded represents a separate phase of the respiratory cycle. We measured the duration of phrenic ENG activity for inspiratory phase duration (TI) and similarly the duration of TA and TS ENG activity for the duration of stages I and II of expiration, respectively. Changes in the duration of the total respiratory cycle (TTOT) were also measured. Therefore, the changes in TTOT were accounted for directly by changes in each phase of the respiratory cycle. 3. Perturbation during the inspiratory phase inhibited phrenic activity either reversibly or irreversibly (premature termination of inspiration) depending on the strength and timing of the stimulus. Reversible inhibition of inspiration was associated with a transient activation (< 100 ms) of the TA nerve followed by a reactivation of the phrenic nerve, but the duration of the subsequent stages I and II of expiration remained the same. Thus, the prolongation of TTOT was completely accounted for by the lengthening of TI. 4. Premature termination of inspiration was followed by either a shortening (the first half of inspiration) or a lengthening (the second half of inspiration) of the duration of stage I expiration and consistently by a shortening of the duration of stage II expiration. The magnitude of these changes in the durations of stages I and II of expiration was phase dependent. Changes in the duration of all three phases of motor activity contributed to the changes in TTOT. 5. Perturbation during stage I expiration prolonged this stage but did not affect the duration of the succeeding stage (stage II expiration). The increase in the duration of stage I expiration appeared constant and not dependent on the time when the perturbation was delivered in stage I expiration. Thus, the change in TTOT was less phase dependent during stage I expiration than during inspiration and stage II expiration and was accounted for by changes in the duration of TA activity alone. 6. Perturbation during stage II expiration inhibited TS activity and evoked TA activity transiently.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)
机译:1.在无脑,迷走神经和瘫痪的猫中记录了神经,喉返神经的甲状腺素类(TA)分支和肋间内神经的三角胸骨(TS)分支的脑电图(ENG)活动。电刺激喉上神经(SLN)。我们的目的是评估SLN刺激短暂扰动呼吸周期后运动活动的瞬时变化。 2.记录的每条运动神经代表呼吸周期的一个独立阶段。我们分别测量了吸气阶段持续时间(TI)的ENG活动的持续时间以及呼气阶段I和II的持续时间相似的TA和TS ENG活动的持续时间。还测量了总呼吸周期(TTOT)持续时间的变化。因此,TTOT的变化直接由呼吸周期各阶段的变化引起。 3.吸气阶段的扰动可逆地或不可逆地抑制活动(吸气的提前终止),具体取决于刺激的强度和时机。吸气的可逆抑制与TA神经的短暂激活(<100 ms)和followed神经的重新激活有关,但随后的I和II期呼气的持续时间保持不变。因此,TTOT的延长完全由TI的延长来解决。 4.吸气过早终止后,I期呼气持续时间的缩短(吸气的前一半)或延长(吸气后半),并持续缩短II期呼气的持续时间。这些变化的幅度在阶段I和阶段II的持续时间内与阶段有关。运动活动的所有三个阶段的持续时间的变化促成了TTOT的变化。 5.在第一阶段期满时的摄动延长了该阶段,但不影响后续阶段的持续时间(第二阶段期满)。 I期呼气持续时间的增加似乎是恒定的,并且与在I期呼气中传递扰动的时间无关。因此,TTOT的变化与吸气和II期期相比,在I期期中的相依性较小,并且仅通过TA活动持续时间的变化来解释。 6. II期呼气期间的摄动会暂时抑制TS活性并引起TA活性。(摘要截断为400字)



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