首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>The Journal of Physiology >Nociceptive inputs into rostral ventrolateral medulla-spinal vasomotor neurones in rats.

Nociceptive inputs into rostral ventrolateral medulla-spinal vasomotor neurones in rats.




1. In anaesthetized rats recordings were made from thirty-eight neurones in the rostral ventrolateral medulla (RVL) with spinal-projecting axons. Their responses to mechanical, thermal and/or electrical stimulation were examined as were the accompanying changes in arterial pressure. 2. Mechanical, thermal and electrical stimulation of either hindpaw at a strength that can be regarded as noxious produced a consistent rise in arterial pressure. RVL-spinal-projecting 'vasomotor' neurones were excited by the noxious mechanical and thermal (52 degrees C) stimulation at a latency that was shorter than that of the evoked pressor response. 3. Percutaneous electrical stimulation of either hindlimb extremity resulted in an early peak of excitation (fourteen out of fourteen), an early trough of inhibition (twelve out fourteen), and a later peak of excitation (two out of fourteen). This response pattern to stimulation of either limb was independent of which limb was activated, but contralateral hindpaw stimulation elicited excitation at a shorter latency. The differences in latency of responses to stimulating two locations along the tail suggested that the early excitation and inhibition of RVL-spinal 'vasomotor' neurones were evoked by activation of peripheral fibres with a mean conduction velocity in the A delta range. 4. Short-latency excitatory and inhibitory responses in RVL-spinal 'vasomotor' neurones were observed also when single-pulse stimuli were delivered within the lateral part of the spinal cord. 5. Ionophoretic application of bicuculline, a GABAA receptor antagonist, blocked the evoked inhibition of these neurones on electrical stimulation of the hindpaw without attenuating the excitatory input from the same stimulus. 6. These results indicate that RVL-spinal 'vasomotor' neurones receive an input from cutaneous nociceptive afferents. This suggests that these neurones mediate, at least partly, the cardiovascular responses related to nociceptor stimulation.
机译:1.在麻醉的大鼠中,从鼻尖腹侧延髓(RVL)的38个神经元与脊柱突出的轴突记录下来。检查了他们对机械,热和/或电刺激的反应,以及随之而来的动脉压变化。 2.对任一后爪的机械,热和电刺激均以被认为有害的强度引起动脉压力的持续升高。 RVL脊柱投射的“血管舒缩”神经元被有毒的机械和热(52摄氏度)刺激所激发,其潜伏期短于诱发的升压反应。 3.对任一后肢进行经皮电刺激会导致早期的兴奋高峰(十四分之十四),早期的抑制波谷(十二分之十二)和后期的兴奋峰(十四分之二)。这种对任一肢的刺激的响应模式与哪个肢被激活无关,但是对侧后爪刺激以较短的潜伏期引起兴奋。刺激沿着尾巴的两个位置的反应潜伏期的差异表明,RVL-脊髓“血管舒缩”神经元的早期激发和抑制是由周围纤维的激活引起的,其平均传导速度在Aδ范围内。 4.当单脉冲刺激在脊髓外侧部分内传递时,在RVL-脊髓“血管舒缩”神经元中也观察到了短时的兴奋和抑制反应。 5.离子电疗法应用GABAA受体拮抗物Bicuculline阻止了这些神经元对后足电刺激的诱发抑制作用,而不会减弱来自相同刺激的兴奋性输入。 6.这些结果表明,RVL-脊髓“血管舒缩”神经元从皮肤伤害感受传入得到输入。这表明这些神经元至少部分地介导了与伤害感受器刺激有关的心血管反应。



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