首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>The Journal of Physiology >Sulphate transport into vesicles prepared from human placental brush border membranes: inhibition by trace element oxides.

Sulphate transport into vesicles prepared from human placental brush border membranes: inhibition by trace element oxides.




Inhibitors of SO4(2-) entry into and efflux from vesicles prepared from the brush border membrane of term human placenta have been studied, using 35SO4(2-) and an anion-exchange column assay. Divalent anions were found to be either potent or relatively feeble inhibitors of SO4(2-) uptake. Those which, like SO4(2-) itself, have a tetrahedral configuration, were strongly inhibitory and all of these anions were the metal oxides of elements of group VI (A and B) of the Periodic Table (chromate, molybdate, tungstate, selenate and thiosulphate). Divalent anions which were only weak inhibitors of SO4(2-) uptake were arsenate, phosphate and tetraborate. Chromate and to a lesser extent molybdate were effective inhibitors of SO4(2-) efflux from vesicles pre-loaded with SO4(2-). SO4(2-) efflux was insensitive to the electrical potential across the vesicle membrane. These results are discussed with respect to the mechanism for SO4(2-) transport across this membrane from mother to fetus and in the context of the transport to the feto-placental unit of the essential trace elements, selenium, chromium and molybdenum.
机译:使用35SO4(2-)和阴离子交换柱分析技术,研究了SO4(2-)进入或流出自足月胎盘刷状缘膜制备的囊泡的抑制剂。发现二价阴离子是有效或相对微弱的SO4(2-)吸收抑制剂。那些像SO4(2-)本身一样具有四面体构型的元素具有强烈的抑制作用,并且所有这些阴离子都是元素周期表中第VI组(A和B)元素的金属氧化物(铬酸盐,钼酸盐,钨酸盐,硒酸盐)和硫代硫酸盐)。二价阴离子是砷,磷酸根和四硼酸根,它们仅是SO4(2-)吸收的弱抑制剂。铬酸盐和较小程度的钼酸盐是预先装载有SO4(2-)的囊泡中SO4(2-)外排的有效抑制剂。 SO4(2-)外排对整个囊泡膜的电位不敏感。这些结果是关于SO4(2-)从母体到胎儿跨膜运输的机理以及必需微量元素硒,铬和钼向胎儿胎盘运输的背景。



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