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The calcium current in inner segments of rods from the salamander (Ambystoma tigrinum) retina.

机译:the(Ambystoma tigrinum)视网膜杆内部段的钙电流。



Solitary rod inner segments were isolated from salamander retinae. Their Ca current was studied with the 'whole-cell, gigaseal' technique (Hamill, Marty, Neher, Sakmann & Sigworth, 1981). The soluble constituents of the cytoplasm exchanged with the solution in the pipette. The external solution could be changed during continuous perfusion. Membrane voltage was controlled with a voltage clamp. After permeant ions other than Ca were replaced with impermeant ions (i.e. tetraethylammonium as a cation, and aspartate or methanesulphonate as an anion), an inward current remained. It activated at approximately -40 mV, reached a maximum at approximately 0 mV, and decreased as the membrane was further depolarized. The size of the current increased when Ba was substituted for external Ca. The current was blocked when Ca was replaced with Co. The voltage at which the current was half-maximum shifted from approximately -22 to -31 mV during the initial 3 min of an experiment. The maximum amplitude of the current continuously declined during the entire course of an experiment. The time course for activation of the Ca current following a step of depolarization could be described by the sum of two exponentials. The time constant of the slower exponential was voltage dependent. Deactivation following repolarization could also be described by the sum of two exponentials. Both time constants for deactivation were independent of voltage (between -30 and 0 mV) and faster than the slower time constant for activation. When the internal Ca concentration was buffered by 10 mM-EGTA, the Ca current did not inactivate during several seconds of maintained depolarization. When the concentration of EGTA was reduced to 0.1 mM, the Ca current declined and the membrane conductance decreased during several seconds of maintained depolarization. This inactivation was incomplete and only occurred after a substantial quantity of Ca entered. Following repolarization the Ca conductance recovered from inactivation. In contrast, the continuous decline observed during the course of an experiment (item 3) was not reversible. The difference suggests that inactivation and the decline are distinct processes.
机译:从视网膜sal中分离出孤杆内部节段。他们的钙电流是通过“全细胞,千兆瓦”技术研究的(Hamill,Marty,Neher,Sakmann和Sigworth,1981)。细胞质中的可溶性成分与移液器中的溶液交换。在连续灌注期间可以改变外部溶液。用电压钳控制膜电压。用Ca(Ca)以外的渗透离子替换为非渗透离子(即,四乙铵为阳离子,天冬氨酸或甲磺酸根为阴离子)后,仍然有流入电流。它在约-40 mV处激活,在约0 mV处达到最大值,并随着膜进一步去极化而降低。当用Ba代替外部Ca时,电流大小增加。当用Co代替Ca时,电流被阻断。在实验的最初3分钟内,电流的一半处于最大值的电压从大约-22变为-31 mV。在整个实验过程中,电流的最大幅度不断下降。去极化步骤之后激活Ca电流的时间过程可以用两个指数的总和来描述。较慢的指数的时间常数取决于电压。再极化后的失活也可以用两个指数的总和来描述。两种去激活的时间常数都与电压无关(在-30和0 mV之间),并且比慢速激活的时间常数要快。当内部Ca浓度由10 mM-EGTA缓冲时,Ca电流在维持去极化的几秒钟内不会失活。当EGTA的浓度降低到0.1 mM时,在维持去极化的几秒钟内,Ca电流下降且膜电导降低。这种失活是不完全的,仅在大量的Ca进入后才发生。重新极化后,Ca电导从失活中恢复。相反,在实验过程中观察到的持续下降(项目3)是不可逆的。差异表明灭活和下降是不同的过程。



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