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Slow excitatory synaptic potentials recorded from neurones of guinea-pig submucous plexus.




Intracellular recordings made from neurones of guinea-pig submucous plexus revealed three types of synaptic input: cholinergic excitatory synaptic potentials (fast e.p.s.p.s) of 50-80 ms duration, inhibitory synaptic potentials (i.p.s.p.s) of 1 s duration, and non-cholinergic, non-adrenergic slow e.p.s.p.s which lasted for 15-20 s. A single stimulus was sufficient to elicit the slow e.p.s.p. in all neurones in which this synaptic input was present. Slow e.p.s.p.s were recorded in those neurones which also displayed i.p.s.p.s. Both the i.p.s.p. and the slow e.p.s.p. appeared in an all-or-none fashion and were not affected by alterations in the stimulus strength. The inhibitory as well as the slow excitatory synaptic potentials reversed close to the K+ equilibrium potential, indicating that the i.p.s.p. is due to an activation of K+ conductance while the slow e.p.s.p. is due to its inactivation. Evidence is presented which suggests the slow e.p.s.p. may be generated at a synapse located some distance from the soma, presumably at a dendritic location. Only those cells which showed slow e.p.s.p.s responded to substance P with a depolarization which mimicked the slow e.p.s.p.
机译:豚鼠粘膜下神经丛神经元的细胞内记录显示了三种类型的突触输入:持续时间为50-80 ms的胆碱能兴奋性突触电位(快速epsps),持续时间为1 s的抑制性突触电位(ipsps)以及非胆碱能,非-adrenergic缓慢的epsps,持续15-20 s。单一刺激足以引起缓慢的e.p.s.p.在存在这种突触输入的所有神经元中。在那些也显示i.p.s.p.s的神经元中记录了缓慢的e.p.s.p.s。两者都是和缓慢的e.p.s.p.以全有或全无的方式出现,并且不受刺激强度改变的影响。抑制性和缓慢性兴奋性突触电位逆转至接近K +平衡电位,表明i.p.s.p.是由于K +电导的激活而缓慢的e.p.s.p.是由于其未激活。提供的证据表明e.p.s.p缓慢。可能在距躯体一定距离的突触处(可能在树突状位置)产生“突触”。只有那些表现出缓慢e.p.s.p.s的细胞才对P物质做出去极化反应,从而模仿了缓慢的e.p.s.p.s.p.s.p.s。



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