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Genetic and Environmental Predictors of Adolescent PTSD Symptom Trajectories Following a Natural Disaster




Genes, environmental factors, and their interplay affect posttrauma symptoms. Although environmental predictors of the longitudinal course of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptoms are documented, there remains a need to incorporate genetic risk into these models, especially in youth who are underrepresented in genetic studies. In an epidemiologic sample tornado-exposed adolescents (n = 707, 51% female, Mage = 14.54 years), trajectories of PTSD symptoms were examined at baseline and at 4-months and 12-months following baseline. This study aimed to determine if rare genetic variation in genes previously found in the sample to be related to PTSD diagnosis at baseline (MPHOSPH9, LGALS13, SLC2A2), environmental factors (disaster severity, social support), or their interplay were associated with symptom trajectories. A series of mixed effects models were conducted. Symptoms decreased over the three time points. Elevated tornado severity was associated with elevated baseline symptoms. Elevated recreational support was associated with lower baseline symptoms and attenuated improvement over time. Greater LGLAS13 variants attenuated symptom improvement over time. An interaction between MPHOSPH9 variants and tornado severity was associated with elevated baseline symptoms, but not change over time. Findings suggest the importance of rare genetic variation and environmental factors on the longitudinal course of PTSD symptoms following natural disaster trauma exposure.
机译:基因,环境因素及其相互作用影响创伤后症状。尽管已记录了创伤后应激障碍(PTSD)症状纵向过程的环境预测因素,但仍需要将遗传风险纳入这些模型中,尤其是在遗传研究中代表性不足的年轻人中。在流行病学样本中,龙卷风暴露的青少年(n = 707,女性51%,法师年龄= 14.54岁),在基线时以及基线后4个月和12个月时检查了PTSD症状的轨迹。这项研究旨在确定以前在样本中发现的与基线PTSD诊断相关的基因(MPHOSPH9,LGALS13,SLC2A2),环境因素(灾难严重度,社会支持)或其相互作用是否与症状轨迹相关的罕见遗传变异。 。进行了一系列混合效应模型。症状在三个时间点均减少。龙卷风严重程度升高与基线症状升高有关。较高的娱乐支持与较低的基线症状和随着时间的推移减弱的改善有关。随着时间的推移,更大的LGLAS13变体减弱了症状改善。 MPHOSPH9变体与龙卷风严重程度之间的相互作用与基线症状升高相关,但不会随时间变化。研究结果表明,在自然灾害造成的创伤后,罕见的遗传变异和环境因素对PTSD症状的纵向进程很重要。



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