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Spasticity Management in Disorders of Consciousness




>Background: Spasticity is a motor disorder frequently encountered after a lesion involving the central nervous system. It is hypothesized to arise from an anarchic reorganization of the pyramidal and parapyramidal fibers and leads to hypertonia and hyperreflexia of the affected muscular groups. While this symptom and its management is well-known in patients suffering from stroke, multiple sclerosis or spinal cord lesion, little is known regarding its appropriate management in patients presenting disorders of consciousness after brain damage. >Objectives: Our aim was to review the occurrence of spasticity in patients with disorders of consciousness and the therapeutic interventions used to treat it. >Methods: We conducted a systematic review using the PubMed online database. It returned 157 articles. After applying our inclusion criteria (i.e., studies about patients in coma, unresponsive wakefulness syndrome or minimally conscious state, with spasticity objectively reported as a primary or secondary outcome), 18 studies were fully reviewed. >Results: The prevalence of spasticity in patients with disorders of consciousness ranged from 59% to 89%. Current treatment options include intrathecal baclofen and soft splints. Several treatment options still need further investigation; including acupuncture, botulin toxin or cortical activation by thalamic stimulation. >Conclusion: The small number of articles available in the current literature highlights that spasticity is poorly studied in patients with disorders of consciousness although it is one of the most common motor disorders. While treatments such as intrathecal baclofen and soft splints seem effective, large randomized controlled trials have to be done and new therapeutic options should be explored.
机译:>背景:痉挛是一种运动性疾病,常发生在涉及中枢神经系统的病变后。假设它是由锥体和锥体神经纤维的无政府组织重组引起的,并导致受影响的肌肉群的肌张力亢进和反射亢进。虽然在中风,多发性硬化症或脊髓病变的患者中众所周知这种症状及其治疗方法,但对于在脑损伤后出现意识障碍的患者进行适当治疗的方法知之甚少。 >目标:我们的目的是回顾意识障碍患者中痉挛的发生情况以及用于治疗痉挛的治疗措施。 >方法:我们使用PubMed在线数据库进行了系统的审查。共返回157篇文章。在应用我们的纳入标准后(即关于昏迷,无反应的清醒综合征或最低意识状态的患者的研究,客观报道痉挛是主要或次要结果),对18项研究进行了全面审查。 >结果:意识障碍患者中痉挛的患病率为59%至89%。当前的治疗选择包括鞘内巴氯芬和软夹板。几种治疗方案仍需进一步研究;包括针刺,肉毒杆菌毒素或丘脑刺激激活的皮质。 >结论:当前文献中的文章很少,这表明尽管意识障碍是最常见的运动障碍之一,但对意识障碍患者的痉挛研究很少。尽管鞘内注射巴氯芬和软夹板等疗法似乎有效,但仍需进行大型随机对照试验,并应探索新的治疗选择。



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