首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>Brazilian Journal of Microbiology >Production flush of Agaricus blazei on Brazilian casing layers

Production flush of Agaricus blazei on Brazilian casing layers




This study aimed to verify the biological efficiency and production flushes of Agaricus blazei strains on different casing layers during 90 cultivation days. Four casing layers were used: mixture of subsoil and charcoal (VCS), lime schist (LSC), São Paulo peat (SPP) and Santa Catarina peat (SCP); and two genetically distant A. blazei strains. The fungus was grown in composted substratum and, after total colonization, a pasteurized casing layer was added over the substratum, and fructification was induced. Mushrooms were picked up daily when the basidiocarp veil was stretched, but before the lamella were exposed. The biological efficiency (BE) was determined by the fresh basidiocarp mass divided by the substratum dry mass, expressed in percentage. The production flushes were also determined over time production. The BE and production flushes during 90 days were affected by the strains as well as by the casing layers. The ABL26 and LSC produced the best BE of 60.4%. Although VCS is the most used casing layer in Brazil, it is inferior to other casing layers, for all strains, throughout cultivation time. The strain, not the casing layer, is responsible for eventual variations of the average mushroom mass. In average, circa 50% of the mushroom production occurs around the first month, 30% in the second month, and 20% in third month. The casing layer water management depends on the casing layer type and the strain. Production flush responds better to water reposition, mainly with ABL26, and better porosity to LSC and SCP casing layers.
机译:这项研究旨在验证在90个栽培日中姬松茸菌株在不同肠衣层上的生物学效率和生产冲洗。使用了四个套管层:地下土壤和木炭的混合物(VCS),石灰片岩(LSC),圣保罗泥炭(SPP)和圣卡塔琳娜泥炭(SCP);和两个遗传距离较远的A. blazei菌株。真菌在堆肥的基质中生长,在完全定殖后,在基质上添加巴氏灭菌的肠衣层,并诱导果糖化。拉伸基茎果皮面纱时,每天要采蘑菇,但要露出薄片。生物学效率(BE)由新鲜果皮质量除以基质干质量(以百分比表示)确定。随着时间的推移,还确定了生产冲洗量。 90天的BE和生产冲洗量受应​​变以及套管层的影响。 ABL26和LSC产生的最佳BE为60.4%。尽管VCS是巴西最常用的肠衣层,但在整个栽培期间,对于所有菌株,它都比其他肠衣层差。应变而不是肠衣层是造成蘑菇平均质量最终变化的原因。平均而言,蘑菇产量的大约50%发生在第一个月左右,第二个月是30%,第三个月是20%。套管层的水管理取决于套管层的类型和应变。冲洗生产对水的重新定位(主要是ABL26)有更好的响应,并且对LSC和SCP套管层的孔隙度更好。



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