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Electrical activity from smooth muscle of the anal sphincteric area of the cat.




1. The electrical activities of longitudinal and circular smooth muscle of the anal sphincteric area have been studied in the cat. 2. Electromyographic recordings were achieved with extracellular electrodes, in vivo on acute and chronic animals, and in vitro on the isolated organ. In addition, electrical and mechanical activities were recorded from muscle strips with the sucrose gap technique. 3. Circular muscle coat electrical activity consisted exclusively of slow variations of the membrane potential of the smooth muscle cells. Each slow potential variation was followed by a contraction. 4. The electrical activity and the concomitant contractions were tetrodotoxin resistant (10(-6) g/ml.). Both disappeared in Ca-free solution or in the presence of Mn ions (10(-3) M). 5. On circular muscle, noradrenaline (10(-8)-10(-7) g/ml. in vitro, or 0.1-0.15 mg/kg in vivo) had an excitatory effect consisting in an increase of slow potential frequency. The action of noradrenaline was antagonized by phentolamine (10(-6)-10(-5) g/ml. in vitro, or 0.2 mg/kg in vivo). 6. On circular muscle, acetylcholine (10(-8)-10(-6) g/ml.), used exclusively on muscle strips, did never produce any clear cut effect. 7. Longitudinal muscle coat electrical activity consisted of spike potentials superimposed on slow time course depolarizations which were never observed alone. Each spike was followed by a contraction. This electrical activity was tetrodotoxin resistant (10(-6) g/ml.). 8. Longitudinal muscle activity was abolished by noradrenaline (10(-6) g/ml.) and enhanced by acetylcholine (10(-8)-10(-6) g/ml.). The action of noradrenaline was antagonized by propranolol (0.2 mg/kg I.V.; 10(-6) g/ml.) and that of acetylcholine by atropine (10(-7) g/ml.). 9. Electrophysiological and pharmacological data indicate that electromechanical coupling is achieved (1) in circular muscle, through Ca dependent slow variations in membrane potential of the muscle cells and (2) in longitudinal muscle, through spike potentials. Noradrenaline has opposite effects on the two muscle coats: circular muscle is excited through alpha-receptors located on muscle cells membrane; longitudinal muscle is inhibited through beta-receptors. Acetylcholine excites longitudinal muscle through muscarinic receptors, but it has no effect on circular muscle.
机译:1.在猫中研究了肛门括约肌区域的纵向和圆形平滑肌的电活动。 2.用细胞外电极在体内对急性和慢性动物进行体内肌电记录,并在离体器官上进行体外肌电记录。另外,用蔗糖间隙技术记录了肌肉条的电和机械活动。 3.圆形肌层电活动仅由平滑肌细胞膜电位的缓慢变化组成。每次缓慢的电位变化后都会收缩。 4.电活动和伴随的收缩是河豚毒素抗性(10(-6)g / ml。)。两者都消失在无钙溶液中或存在Mn离子(10(-3)M)的情况下。 5.在环形肌上,去甲肾上腺素(体外10(-8)-10(-7)g / ml,或体内0.1-0.15 mg / kg)具有兴奋性作用,增加了慢电位频率。去甲肾上腺素的作用被苯妥拉明拮抗(体外10(-6)-10(-5)g / ml,或体内0.2 mg / kg)。 6.在环形肌肉上,仅在肌肉条上使用的乙酰胆碱(10(-8)-10(-6)g / ml)从未产生任何明显的效果。 7.纵向肌层电活动由叠加在缓慢的时程去极化上的尖峰电位组成,这从未单独观察到。每个峰值后都有收缩。这种电活性是河豚毒素抗性(10(-6)g / ml。)。 8.去甲肾上腺素(10(-6)g / ml。)消除了纵向肌肉活性,而乙酰胆碱(10(-8)-10(-6)g / ml。)增强了纵向肌肉活性。去甲肾上腺素的作用被普萘洛尔(0.2mg / kg I.V.; 10(-6)g / ml。)拮抗,而乙酰胆碱被阿托品(10(-7)g / ml。)拮抗。 9.电生理学和药理学数据表明,机电耦合是通过以下方式实现的:(1)在圆形肌肉中,通过Ca依赖性的肌肉细胞膜电位缓慢变化,以及(2)在纵向肌肉中,通过峰值电位。去甲肾上腺素对两层肌肉外层有相反的作用:环形肌肉通过位于肌细胞膜上的α受体被激发; β受体抑制纵向肌肉。乙酰胆碱通过毒蕈碱受体刺激纵肌,但对环肌无作用。



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