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Common interneurones in reflex pathways from group 1a and 1b afferents of ankle extensors in the cat.




1. Input from group I afferents of ankle and toe extensors, other muscles, skin nerves and descending tracts to interneurones of Rexed's laminae V-VI in the cat spinal cord was analysed using intracellular recording from these interneurones. Adequate stimuli (muscle stretches) were used to activate selectively group Ia muscle spindle afferents of triceps surae and plantaris while other fibre systems were excited electrically. 2. Ia and Ib afferents of ankle and toe extensors were found to co-excite, co-inhibit or exert opposite synaptic actions in 41, 33, and 50% of the analysed interneurones, respectively. Taking into account both excitatory and inhibitory input from these two groups of afferents, 64% of the interneurones appeared to be used in common in reflex pathways from muscle spindles and tendon organs of ankle and toe extensors. 3. Selective input from Ib afferents of triceps surae and plantaris (excitation and/or inhibition) was found in 36% of the interneurones; there was evidence for a similarly selective input from Ia afferents. 4. A great majority (over 90%) of the interneurones excited by group I afferents were also inhibited by group I afferents, from either the same or other muscles. 5. Both monosynaptic and disynaptic e.p.s.p.s from Ia and/or Ib afferents from other muscles and from fibres in the ipsilateral funiculi were found in a great proportion of the same interneurones, together with disynaptic e.p.s.p.s from low threshold cutaneous afferents. 6. Intracellular staining with horseradish peroxidase revealed four different patterns of axonal projections of the analysed interneurones: (i) projections to motor nuclei and the intermediate region, (ii and III) projections only to the intermediate region, locally or combined with projections to different rostro-caudal levels, and (iv) projections to the opposite side of the spinal cord. 7. A large proportion of interneurones projecting to motor nuclei displayed input from both Ia and Ib afferents although such an input was a feature of interneurones with other projections as well. No systematic differences in the input from group I afferents were found for interneurones with different axonal projections. In contrast disynaptic e.p.s.p.s of cutaneous origin and monosynaptic e.p.s.p.s upon stimulation of ipsilateral spinal tracts appeared predominantly in interneurones projecting to motor nuclei.
机译:1.使用来自这些中间神经元的细胞内记录,分析了I类传入的脚踝和脚趾伸肌,其他肌肉,皮肤神经和下降道对Rexed椎板V-VI中间神经元的输入。适当的刺激(肌肉拉伸)用于选择性激活Ia组肱三头肌和足底肌梭形传入神经,而其他纤维系统则被电激发。 2.分别在41%,33%和50%的被分析的中间神经元中发现踝和脚趾伸肌的Ia和Ib传入神经共同激发,共同抑制或发挥相反的突触作用。考虑到这两组传入神经的兴奋性和抑制性输入,似乎有64%的中间神经元在肌肉纺锤体以及脚踝和脚趾伸肌腱器官的反射路径中普遍使用。 3.在36%的中间神经元中发现了来自肱三头肌和plant肌的Ib传入的选择性输入(激发和/或抑制)。有证据表明来自Ia传入者的选择性输入也类似。 4.由第一组传入刺激的绝大部分(超过90%)中间神经元也被第一组传入的相同或其他肌肉抑制。 5.在很大一部分相同的中间神经元中发现了来自Ia和/或来自其他肌肉的Ib传入和/或来自其他肌肉的Ib传入的单突触和非突触e.p.s.p.s.s.p.s.s.p.s.s.p.s.s.p.s.s.p.s。 6.用辣根过氧化物酶进行的细胞内染色显示了所分析的中间神经元的轴突投影的四种不同模式:(i)到运动核和中间区域的投影,(ii和III)仅局部到中间区域的投影,或与不同区域的投影组合ros尾水平,以及(iv)投影到脊髓的另一侧。 7.投射到运动核的神经元中有很大一部分显示了来自Ia和Ib传入的输入,尽管这种输入也是神经元与其他投射的共同特征。对于轴突投影不同的中间神经元,在第一组传入的输入中没有发现系统性差异。相反,在刺激同侧脊髓后,皮肤起源的突触性皮炎和单突触性皮炎主要出现在投射至运动核的中间神经元中。



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