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The characteristics of synaptic currents and responses to acetylcholine of rat submandibular ganglion cells




1. Synaptic currents and responses to acetylcholine (ACh) have been recorded at 20°C from rat submandibular ganglion cells by a two micro-electrode volatage-clamp technique.2. The peak amplitude (ap) of excitatory synaptic currents (e.s.c.s) was linearly related to membrane potential (Em), with a reversal potential close to - 10 mV. E.s.c.s decayed with a bi-exponential time course, the fast phase comprising just over half the total amplitude. The time constant (τf) of the fast phase was 5-9 msec, while that of the slow phase (τs) was 27-45 msec. The relative amplitudes of the two components remained constant at different membrane potentials, showing that the reversal potential was the same for both.3. Both τf and τs increased as the cell was hyperpolarized, the ratio τ(-80)/τ(-40) being about 1.6 for both fast and slow components.4. Increasing the calcium concentration from 2.5 to 7.5 mm increased the amplitude of both components by about 40% and also prolonged the synaptic currents 30-50%, its effect being slightly greater on τs than on τf.5. In contrast to e.s.c.s, spontaneous or potassium-evoked miniature synaptic currents (m.s.c.s) showed a simple exponential decay with a time constant (τm.s.c.) very similar to τf. τm.s.c. showed the same sensitivity to membrane potential and calcium concentration as τf.6. In the presence of neostigmine (10 μm) e.s.c.s were prolonged, τf about 3.5-fold and τs about 2.5-fold. The decay remained bi-exponential, with little change in the relative amplitude or voltage-dependence of the two components. M.s.c.s were prolonged to a lesser extent (1.5-2-fold) and the voltage dependence of τm.s.c. was unaffected by neostigmine.7. Reduction of the quantal content of the e.s.c. by low calcium—high magnesium solution did not affect the time course. The relative amplitudes, and the time constants of the two components were unchanged even with a 90% reduction of ap.8. Voltage-jump studies, in which the cell was abruptly hyperpolarized by 20-40 mV during a response to ionophoretically applied ACh, showed a relaxation pattern consisting of two distinct exponential components, whose relative amplitudes varied considerably in different cells. The two rate constants τf.rel and τs.rel were somewhat shorter than τf and τs for e.s.c.s, the difference being generally less than two-fold.9. Measurements of ACh noise also revealed two kinetic components, the time constants of which corresponded closely to τf and τs for e.s.c.s. On the assumption that the two components represent channels of equal conductance, the single channel conductance, γ, was calculated to be 31±3 pS, similar to that of endplate channels.10. It is concluded that the two kinetic components of e.s.c.s and ACh responses probably represent two distinct classes of ACh-operated ionic channels, whose mean lifetime differs about fivefold. The two types of channel show the same ionic selectivity and their mean lifetime varies in the same way with the membrane potential. The absence of a slow component in m.s.c.s suggests that the two types of channel are spatially separate in the membrane.
机译:1.在20°C下,通过两个微电极钳位技术记录了大鼠下颌下神经节细胞的突触电流和对乙酰胆碱(ACh)的反应。兴奋性突触电流(e.s.c.s)的峰值幅度(ap)与膜电位(Em)线性相关,其反向电位接近-10 mV。 E.s.c.s以双指数时程衰减,快速相位仅占总振幅的一半以上。快相的时间常数(τf)为5-9毫秒,而慢相的时间常数(τs)为27-45毫秒。在不同的膜电位下,两种组分的相对振幅保持恒定,表明两种物质的反向电位相同。3。随着细胞超极化,τf和τs都增加,快和慢成分的比率τ(-80)/τ(-40)约为1.6。4。将钙浓度从2.5 mm增加到7.5 mm,可使两种成分的振幅增加约40%,并使突触电流延长30-50%,其对τs的影响略大于对τf.5的影响。与e.s.c.s相反,自发或钾诱发的微型突触电流(m.s.c.s)显示出简单的指数衰减,其时间常数(τm.s.c.)与τf非常相似。 τm.s.c.对膜电位和钙浓度的敏感性与τf.6相同。在新斯的明(10μm)存在下,e.s.c.s延长,τf约为3.5倍,τs约为2.5倍。衰减保持双指数,两个分量的相对幅度或电压相关性几乎没有变化。 M.s.c.s延长的程度较小(1.5-2倍),电压依赖性为τm.s.c.不受新斯的明的影响7。减少e.s.c.的数量通过低钙-高镁溶液不会影响时间进程。即使将第8节减小了90%,这两个分量的相对幅度和时间常数也没有变化。跳电压研究表明,在对离子载体施加的ACh的反应过程中,细胞突然超极化20-40 mV,显示出由两个不同的指数成分组成的弛豫模式,其相对幅度在不同的细胞中变化很大。两个速率常数τ f.rel 和τ s.rel 略短于τ f 和τ s 对于escs,差异通常小于两倍9。 ACh噪声的测量还揭示了两个动力学成分,它们的时间常数与e.s.c.s的τ f 和τ s 紧密对应。假设两个分量代表电导相等的通道,则计算得出的单通道电导γ为31±3 pS,与端板通道类似。10。结论是,大肠杆菌和乙酰胆碱酯酶反应的两个动力学成分可能代表了两类不同的乙酰胆碱酯酶操作的离子通道,它们的平均寿命相差约五倍。两种类型的通道显示出相同的离子选择性,并且它们的平均寿命随着膜电位的变化以相同的方式变化。 m.s.c.s中不存在慢速成分,这表明两种类型的通道在膜中在空间上是分开的。



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