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Intestinal control of gastric function in the calf: the relationship of neural and endocrine factors




1. Gastric emptying and secretion were measured in conscious calves during alkaline or acid perfusion of the duodenum with simultaneous assessment of endogenous plasma somatostatin, gastrin and blood 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT).2. Alkaline duodenal perfusion (isotonic NaHCO3) caused rapid gastric emptying and increased gastric acid secretion without any affect on basal levels of somatostatin, 5-HT or gastrin.3. Duodenal perfusion of 60 mm-HCl caused complete inhibition of gastric emptying, reduced gastric acid secretion considerably, and an associated elevation of somatostatin basal levels from 123.8 ± 11.2 to 281.9 ± 23.0 pg/ml. (P < 0.01) occurred.4. These effects of duodenal perfusion were unimpaired by bilateral lumbar splanchnectomy.5. On bilateral cervical vagotomy of the splanchnectomized calves, the inhibition of gastric function evoked by duodenal acidification persisted, and plasma somatostatin showed a further significant elevation to 506.9 ± 49.9 pg/ml. (P < 0.01) but gastrin and 5-HT remained unchanged. The increased gastric function caused by alkaline duodenal function was significantly reduced following vagotomy but basal somatostatin, gastrin and 5-HT in the blood remained unaffected.6. These results suggest that the stimulatory effect on gastric emptying and acid secretion of isotonic NaHCO3 in the duodenum may be mediated, partially at least, through the vagal nerves but not the splanchnics.7. The complete inhibition of gastric function which ensued on acidification of the duodenum and which continues after splanchnovagotomy, is not mediated by the autonomic nervous system. This inhibitory process appears to involve the endocrine system only, with somatostatin (but not gastrin or 5-HT) fulfilling a main enterogastrone role.
机译:1.在十二指肠进行碱或酸灌注时,在有意识的犊牛中测量胃排空和分泌,同时评估内源性血浆生长抑素,胃泌素和血液中的5-羟色胺(5-HT)。2。碱性十二指肠灌注(等渗NaHCO3)引起胃排空迅速和胃酸分泌增加,而对生长抑素,5-HT或胃泌素的基础水平没有任何影响。3。十二指肠灌注60 mm-HCl可以完全抑制胃排空,显着降低胃酸分泌,相应的生长抑素基础水平从123.8±11.2 pg / ml升高至281.9±23.0 pg / ml。 (P <0.01)发生4。双侧腰内膜切除术并没有削弱十二指肠灌注的这些作用。5。在对内脏切除的小牛进行双侧子宫颈迷走神经切断术时,十二指肠酸化引起的胃功能持续抑制,血浆生长抑素进一步升高至506.9±49.9 pg / ml。 (P <0.01),但胃泌素和5-HT保持不变。迷走神经切断术后,由碱性十二指肠功能引起的胃功能增强明显降低,但血液中的基础生长抑素,胃泌素和5-HT仍未受到影响。6。这些结果表明,对十二指肠内等渗NaHCO3胃排空和酸分泌的刺激作用可能至少部分通过迷走神经而不是内脏介导。7。十二指肠酸化所导致的胃功能的完全抑制,在内脏镜切开术后仍会持续,这完全不受自主神经系统的调节。这种抑制过程似乎只涉及内分泌系统,而生长抑素(而不是胃泌素或5-HT)起主要的肠胃泌素作用。



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