首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences >Birds tails do act like delta wings but delta-wing theory does not always predict the forces they generate.

Birds tails do act like delta wings but delta-wing theory does not always predict the forces they generate.




Delta-wing theory, which predicts the aerodynamics of aircraft like the Concorde, is the conventional explanation for the way in which a bird's tail operates in flight. Recently, doubt has been cast on the validity of applying a theory devised for supersonic aircraft to the small tails of slow-flying birds. By testing delta-wing models and birds' tails behind bodies with wings, I empirically show that the tails of birds produce lift in a very similar way to conventional delta-wing models. Both Perspex and birds' tail models produce lift similar to that predicted by delta-wing theory when narrowly spread and at low angles of attack. However, when widely spread and at high angles of attack, both tails and Perspex models produce much less lift than predicted, owing to vortex breakdown after which the assumptions of delta-wing theory are violated. These results indicate that birds' tails can be regarded as delta wings but that the theory predicting the forces produced by delta wings can only be applied within acceptable limits (i.e. tails spread less than 60 degrees and at angles of attack of less than 20 degrees).
机译:三角翼理论可以预测像协和飞机这样的飞机的空气动力学特性,这是对鸟尾在飞行中的运行方式的常规解释。最近,人们怀疑将为超音速飞机设计的理论应用于慢速飞行的鸟的小尾巴的有效性。通过测试三角翼模型和带有机翼的鸟的尾巴,我的经验表明,鸟的尾巴产生升力的方式与传统三角翼模型非常相似。当狭窄地伸展并且在低攻角下时,有机玻璃和鸟的尾巴模型产生的升力类似于三角翼理论所预测的升力。然而,当尾翼和有机玻璃模型广泛散布且处于高攻角时,由于涡旋破裂,尾翼模型和有机玻璃模型产生的升力都远低于预期,此后违反了三角翼理论的假设。这些结果表明,鸟的尾巴可以看作是三角翼​​,但是预测三角翼产生的力的理论只能在可接受的范围内使用(即,尾巴展开小于60度且迎角小于20度) 。



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