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The effect of carbon dioxide upon myocardial contractile performance blood flow and oxygen consumption.




1. Mongrel dogs were anaesthetized with chloralose, paralysed, ventilated and vagotomized and given a beta-blocking drug, sotalol, in sufficient doses to block the effects of 5 microgram of adrenaline. 2. Changes in inspired CO2 concentration were produced, causing increases of arterial PCO2 up to 120 mmHg. The effects on myocardial blood flow were measured with radioactive microspheres. Coronary sinus and arterial blood was sampled. 3. In the absence of beta-blockade, an increase in arterial PCO2 produced variable effects. In some dogs coronary blood flow increased, while in others there was no change. There was a mean increase in coronary blood flow at arterial PCO2 values above 85 mmHg which was abolished by beta-blockade. 4. In the presence of beta-blockade, an increase of arterial PCO2 produced depression of left ventricular performance, i.e. a fall of maximum rate of rise of left ventricular pressure and a rise of left ventricular end-diastolic pressure. 5. In the presence of beta-blockade, there were no consistent changes in myocardial blood flow, left ventricular pressure or cardiac output. 6. In the absence of beta-blockade, coronary arterial minus venous ocygen content was reduced by hypercapnia. In the presence of beta-blockade, the changes were small and not statistically significant. The direct coronary vasodilator effect was therfore negligible. 7. It is concluded that the previously reported hypercapnic vasodilatation was mainly an effect of sympatho-adrenergic stimulation by hypercapnia. 8. In the presence of beta-blockade, coronary sinus PO2 increased markedly, with little change in coronary sinus oxygen content; this was consistent with a shift to the right of the oxy-haemoglobin dissociation curve. Under circumstances of hypercapnia, a rise in coronary sinus (and presumably tissue) PO2 failed to produce vasoconstriction. 9. It is argued that the vasodilator effect of hydrogen ions and the vasoconstrictor effect of oxygen probably cancel one another when the arterial PCO2 is raised.
机译:1.对杂种狗用氯草胺麻醉,使其瘫痪,通气并进行迷走神经切断术,并给予足够剂量的β受体阻滞剂索他洛尔,以阻断5微克肾上腺素的作用。 2.产生了吸入CO2浓度的变化,导致动脉PCO2升高至120 mmHg。用放射性微球测量对心肌血流的影响。取冠状窦和动脉血。 3.在没有β受体阻滞剂的情况下,动脉PCO2的增加会产生不同的作用。有些犬的冠状动脉血流量增加,而另一些犬则没有变化。在高于85 mmHg的动脉PCO2值处,冠状动脉血流平均增加,这被β-受体阻滞剂所消除。 4.在存在β受体阻滞剂的情况下,动脉PCO2的增加会导致左心室性能下降,即左心室压力最大上升率下降和左心室舒张末期压力上升。 5.在存在β受体阻滞剂的情况下,心肌血流量,左心室压力或心输出量没有持续变化。 6.在缺乏β-受体阻滞剂的情况下,高碳酸血症会降低冠状动脉减去静脉中的氧气含量。在存在β受体阻滞剂的情况下,变化很小且无统计学意义。因此,直接冠状血管舒张作用可忽略不计。 7.结论是,先前报道的高碳酸血症性血管舒张主要是由高碳酸血症引起的交感-肾上腺素刺激作用。 8.在存在β受体阻滞剂的情况下,冠状窦PO2明显增加,冠状窦氧含量几乎没有变化。这与氧合血红蛋白解离曲线的右移一致。在高碳酸血症的情况下,冠状窦(可能是组织)PO2的上升未能产生血管收缩。 9.有人认为,当动脉PCO2升高时,氢离子的血管舒张作用和氧气的血管收缩作用可能会相互抵消。



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