
Presynaptic action of curare.




1. As a result of a conditioning phrenic nerve stimulus, end-plate currents (e.p.c.s) in a voltage clamped uncurarized cut diaphragm show a facilitation which reaches its maximum at 30-40 msec and subsequently decays with a time constant from 150 to 200 msec. In curarized (cut or uncut) diaphragms, however, the conditioning stimulus causes a depression which reaches its maximal value at 10 msec and then decays slowly with a time constant of about 3 sec. This indicates that curare strongly interferes with the process of transmitter release. 2. The presynaptic action of curare is also evident if short tetanic trains are given. In uncurarized preparations e.p.c.s decay in size much more slowly than in curarized preparations, and usually show a transient facilitation. 3. These results can be explained in terms of a model where curare blocks presynaptic depolarizing action of ACh. As a result of this presumed curare action a small increase in Ca permeability and subsequent entry of Ca associated with depolarization are also blocked, and the facilitation resulting from that entry of Ca is abolished.
机译:1.由于a神经刺激,调节电压的未极化切割隔膜中的终板电流(epcs)表现出促进作用,在30-40毫秒时达到最大值,随后衰减,时间常数从150到200毫秒。但是,在经过校准(切割或未切割)的膜片中,调节刺激会导致凹陷,该凹陷在10毫秒时达到最大值,然后以约3秒的时间常数缓慢衰减。这表明咖喱味严重干扰了发射器的释放过程。 2.如果给予短时间的破伤风训练,则咖喱的突触前作用也很明显。在未固化的制剂中,e.p.c。的尺寸衰减比在固化的制剂中要慢得多,通常表现出短暂的促进作用。 3.这些结果可以用模型来解释,其中咖喱可阻断ACh的突触前去极化作用。由于该推测的箭毒作用,Ca渗透性的小幅增加和随后与去极化相关的Ca的进入也被阻止,并且由于Ca的进入而导致的促进作用被消除。



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