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Discrete and discontinuous action of brown widow spider venom on the presynaptic nerve terminals of frog muscle.




1. A study was made of the effects of the venom of the brown widow spider (Latrodectus geometricus) on end-plates of the frog sartorius muscle. 2. The increase in the frequency of the minature end-plate potentials (m.e.p.p.s), elicited by the venom in normal-"Ca2+" Ringer solution, occurs in discrete volleys having a sharp onset and end. The frequency of the m.e.p.p.s is high (up to 300 sec-1) and relatively constant during the volley. 3. The volleys recur at intervals during a period from 5 to 10 min after addition of the venom until the onset of electrical silence, up to 4 hr later. The activity occurs in groups containing volleys of loing and short duration. 4. Simultaneous intracellular and extracellular recording from single end-plates indicates that the volleys originate at highly localized areas of the nerve terminals. The high-frequency release of m.e.p.p.s in hypertonic sol solutions, which was studied for comparison purposes, occurs randomly over the entire end-plate. Volleys originating simultaneously at different sites are often superimposed in the intracellular recordings. 5. In high-"Ca2+" Ringer solution, the initial frequency of the m.e.p.p.s in a volley is comparatively higher. However, the frequency drops to one half its value in a few seconds. The volley then terminates or else the frequency of m.e.p.p.s remains high for some time and the volley has no sharp end. Activity occurs in groups containing both long and short volleys. Many more short (less than 5 sec) and long (greater than 30 sec) volleys occur in high-"Ca2+" solution than in normal-"Ca2+" solutions. 6. In low-"Ca2+", high-"Mg2+" Ringer solution, the volleys of m.e.p.p.s are fewer in number and much longer in duration. Intra- and extra-cellular recording of uninterruped activity during long periods suggests that in this solution the m.e.p.p.s originate diffusely rather than at discrete areas of the nerve terminals. 7. Implications of the above data on possible modes of action of the venom are discussed.
机译:1.进行了一项研究,研究了棕色寡妇蜘蛛(Latrodectus geometricus)毒液对青蛙sartorius肌肉终板的影响。 2.在正常的“ Ca2 +”林格溶液中,毒液引起的终末极板电位(m.e.p.p.s)频率的增加发生在离散的截距中,这些截距具有尖锐的起点和终点。 m.e.p.p.s的频率很高(最高300 sec-1),在齐射期间相对恒定。 3.在添加毒液后的5至10分钟内,直到4小时后电性寂静,抽射间隔不断地复发。该活动在包含抽空和持续时间短的组中发生。 4.从单个终板同时进行细胞内和细胞外记录表明,凌空起源于神经末梢的高度局部区域。为了比较目的而研究了高渗溶胶溶液中m.e.p.p.s的高频释放,该释放在整个终板上随机发生。同时起源于不同位置的齐射通常叠加在细胞内记录中。 5.在高“ Ca 2+”林格溶液中,凌空抽空的初始频率相对较高。但是,频率在几秒钟内下降到其值的一半。然后,齐射终止,否则m.e.p.p.s的频率会保持一段时间,并且齐射没有尖锐的结束。活动在包含长和短截击的组中发生。高“ Ca2 +”溶液中的短(少于5秒)和长(大于30秒)的凌空现象比普通“ Ca2 +”溶液中的凌空更多。 6.在低“ Ca 2+”,高“ Mg 2+”林格溶液中,m.e.p.p.s的抽空数量更少,持续时间更长。长时间内不间断活动的细胞内和细胞外记录表明,在这种解决方案中,m.e.p.p.s起源于神经末梢而不是离散区域。 7.讨论了以上数据对毒液可能作用方式的影响。



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