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Body temperature responses in cats and rabbits to the monoamine oxidase inhibitor tranylcypromine




1. In unanaesthetized cats tranylcypromine (1-10 mg/kg) had scarcely any effect on rectal temperature when injected intraperitoneally, yet such injections prevented the deep and long-lasting fall in rectal temperature which normally occurs when the cat is anaesthetized by intraperitoneal pentobarbitone sodium or intravenous chloralose. The anaesthesia itself, however, was not affected. In some of the experiments with pentobarbitone sodium rectal temperature even rose to fever level.2. In anaesthetized as well as in unanaesthetized cats injections of tranylcypromine (0·1-1 mg) into the cerebral ventricles caused a rise in rectal temperature.3. In rabbits, rectal temperature was scarcely affected when surgical anaesthesia was produced by intravenous infusions of pentobarbitone sodium under the same condition in which, in cats, intraperitoneal pentobarbitone sodium produced a deep and long-lasting fall in temperature, i.e. when no external heat was applied but excessive dissipation of heat was prevented by placing the rabbit on a cotton-wool pad. However, when it was placed on the metal surface of an operating table, the anaesthesia was associated with a deep fall in rectal temperature.5. In anaesthetized and unanaesthetized rabbits tranylcypromine had no effect on rectal temperature when injected intraperitoneally (10 mg/kg) or into the cerebral ventricles (1 mg).5. These results are discussed in relation to the theory that the three monoamines in the hypothalamus, 5—hydroxytryptamine (5-HT), adrenaline and noradrenaline, act as central transmitters in temperature regulation.
机译:1.在未麻醉的猫中,腹膜内注射反式环丙胺(1-10 mg / kg)对直肠温度几乎没有影响,但是这种注射阻止了直肠温度的深度和长期下降,这通常是在腹膜内戊巴比妥麻醉的情况下发生的。钠或静脉内氯醛糖。但是,麻醉本身并未受到影响。在一些戊巴比妥钠实验中,直肠温度甚至升高到发烧水平。2。在麻醉和未麻醉的猫中,向脑室注射反式环丙胺(0·1-1 mg)会导致直肠温度升高。3。在家兔中,通过腹腔注射戊巴比妥钠会产生深而持久的温度下降的相同条件,通过静脉内注射戊巴比妥钠进行手术麻醉,对兔子的直肠温度几乎没有影响。但是通过将兔子放在棉垫上可以防止热量的过度散发。但是,当将其放在手术台的金属表面上时,麻醉与直肠温度的急剧下降有关。5。在麻醉和未麻醉的兔子中,当腹腔注射(10 mg / kg)或脑室注射(1 mg)时,反式环丙胺对直肠温度没有影响。5。这些结果与下丘脑中的三个单胺5-羟色胺(5-HT),肾上腺素和去甲肾上腺素在温度调节中起着中心递质的作用有关。



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