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The role of arterial oxygen tension in the respiratory response to localized heating of the hypothalamus and to hyperthermia




1. Rectal temperatures, respiratory rates, arterial blood gas tensions, arterial pH and the percentage of red cells in arterial blood have been measured in the unanaesthetized ox in a cool environment (15/12° C, dry bulb/wet bulb [DB/WB]), in a hot, dry environment (40/21° C, DB/WB), during hyperthermia, during infra-red irradiation, and during localized heating of the anterior hypothalamus. In some experiments the gas tensions and pH of mixed venous blood, and the percentage saturation of the arterial blood with oxygen, were also measured.2. In the cool environment at a mean rectal temperature (Tr) of 38·8° C and a respiratory rate (f) of 28/min the mean values obtained from six animals were: arterial oxygen tension (Pa, O2), 93 mm Hg; arterial carbon dioxide tension (Pa, CO2) 42 mm Hg; arterial pH 7·49; arterial oxygen saturation (Sa, O2) 94%; arterial oxygen capacity (Capa, O2) 13·6 vol.%; arterial packed cell volume (P.C.V.) 29%.3. Exposure to the hot, dry environment resulted in a small increase in the rectal temperature and thermal polypnoea, but there were no statistically significant changes in the blood gas tensions.4. During hyperthermia statistically significant increases occurred in rectal temperature, respiratory rate, Pa, O2, pH and arterial haematocrit, while the Pa, CO2 decreased. The venous oxygen tension (Pv̄, O2) decreased also, and the tentative conclusion was made that although the oxygenation of arterial blood remained unimpaired during hyperthermia, tissue hypoxia may supervene. At very high levels of deep body temperature, some evidence for a secondary decrease in Pa, O2 was obtained.5. Localized heating of the anterior hypothalamus caused an increase in respiratory rate and in Pa, O2. The Pv̄, O2 increased also. These changes were considered to be due to increased cardiac output and diversion of blood to the skin.6. During infra-red irradiation of three animals at an environmental temperature of 40/21° C, the respiratory rate increased, but the Pa, O2 decreased.
机译:1.在凉爽的环境中(15/12°C,干球/湿球[DB / B],在未麻醉的牛中,测量了直肠温度,呼吸频率,动脉血气张力,动脉pH和动脉血中红细胞的百分比WB]),在炎热,干燥的环境中(40/21°C,DB / WB),在热疗期间,在红外线照射期间以及下丘脑前部局部加热期间。在一些实验中,还测量了混合静脉血的气体张力和pH值,以及动脉血中氧的饱和度百分比。2。在凉爽的环境中,平均直肠温度(Tr)为38·8°C,呼吸频率(f)为28 / min,从六只动物获得的平均值为:动脉血氧张力(Pa,O2),93 mm Hg ;动脉二氧化碳张力(Pa,CO2)42 mm Hg;动脉pH 7·49;动脉血氧饱和度(Sa,O2)94%;动脉血氧容量(Capa,O2)为13·6 vol。%;动脉充盈细胞体积(P.C.V.)29%.3。暴露在炎热,干燥的环境中会导致直肠温度和热息肉增多少量增加,但是血气张力没有统计学上的显着变化。4。高温期间,直肠温度,呼吸频率,Pa,O2,pH和动脉血细胞比容显着增加,而Pa,CO2降低。静脉血中的氧气张力(P v ̄ ,O2)也降低了,得出的结论是,尽管在高温期间动脉血氧合没有受到损害,但组织缺氧可能会缓解。在较高的深层体温水平下,获得了一些有关Pa,O 2 的二次降低的证据。5。下丘脑前部的局部加热导致呼吸频率和P a,O 2 升高。 P v ̄ ,O 2 也增加了。这些变化被认为是由于心输出量增加和血液转移到皮肤引起的。6。在40/21°C的环境温度下对三只动物进行红外照射时,呼吸频率增加,但P a,O 2 降低。



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