首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>Canadian Pharmacists Journal : CPJ >The feminization of the Canadian pharmacy workforce: A gender analysis of graduates from a Canadian school of pharmacy

The feminization of the Canadian pharmacy workforce: A gender analysis of graduates from a Canadian school of pharmacy




>Background: There is limited information available regarding the impact of the feminization of the pharmacy workforce in Canada.>Methods: Using data from a cross-sectional mailed survey, we examined gender differences among 289 pharmacists who graduated between 1990 and 2007 from pharmacy school in Newfoundland and Labrador.>Results: Of the 114 male and 175 female respondents, a larger proportion of females than males graduated after 2000 (21.1% vs 13.3%), worked part-time (8.6% vs 1.8%), were staff pharmacists (66.3% vs 47.4%), earned $70,000 or less per year (28.0% vs 17.7%) and rated opportunities for job advancement as not important in choosing their current job (22.5% vs 12.3%). Female pharmacists also worked fewer hours than their male counterparts (mean 37.6 vs 41.3 hours). These differences were more pronounced among older female pharmacists (graduated in the 1990s).>Conclusion: Gender and age should be considered when predicting an effective supply of pharmacists to meet current and future workforce demands.
机译:>背景:关于加拿大药房劳动力女性化影响的信息有限。>方法:我们使用横断面调查得出的数据,研究了性别差异在1990年至2007年之间从纽芬兰和拉布拉多的药学院毕业的289位药剂师中。>结果:在114位男性和175位女性受访者中,女性比例比2000年之后的男性要高(21.1%对13.3% %),兼职工作(8.6%vs 1.8%),药剂师(66.3%vs 47.4%),年薪$ 70,000或更少(28.0%vs 17.7%)并认为升职的机会在选择中不重要他们目前的工作(22.5%对12.3%)。女药剂师的工作时间也比男性药剂师少(平均37.6与41.3小时)。这些差异在年龄较大的女药剂师(1990年代毕业)中更为明显。>结论:在预测能够满足当前和未来劳动力需求的有效药剂师时,应考虑性别和年龄。



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