首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>Case Reports in Obstetrics and Gynecology >A Triple Obstetric Challenge of Thoracopagus-Type Conjoined Twins Eclampsia and Obstructed Labor: A Case Report from Sub-Saharan Africa

A Triple Obstetric Challenge of Thoracopagus-Type Conjoined Twins Eclampsia and Obstructed Labor: A Case Report from Sub-Saharan Africa




Conjoined twins are very rarely seen. We present a case of thoracopagus that was undiagnosed prior to delivery and combined with eclampsia and obstructed labor in a low-resource setting in sub-Saharan Africa. A 27-year-old pregnant woman was presented to the maternity emergency unit of Princess Christian Maternity Hospital (PCMH) in Freetown at term in labor. Upon admission, the patient was awake and orientated and presented a blood pressure of 180/120 mmHg and a protein value of 3+ on urine dipstick test. Clinical examination—ultrasound was not available—led to the admission diagnosis: obstructed labor with intrauterine fetal death and preeclampsia. Application of Hydralazine 5 mg (i.v.) under close blood pressure monitoring was performed. Under spontaneous progression of labor, one head of the yet unknown conjoined twin was born. The patient developed eclamptic fits. Ceasing of seizures was achieved after implementing the loading dose of the MgSO4 protocol. A vaginal examination led to the unexpected diagnosis of conjoined twins. An emergency cesarean section under general anesthesia via a longitudinal midline incision was performed immediately. The born head was repositioned vaginally. The stillborn conjoined twins presented a female thoracopagus type that seemed to involve the heart. After 8 weeks, the woman was clinically fully recovered.
机译:连体双胞胎很少见。我们介绍了一个在撒哈拉以南非洲资源贫乏地区分娩前未确诊并合并子痫和产程受阻的胸椎病的病例。一名二十七岁孕妇在分娩期间被送往弗里敦克里斯蒂安公主妇产医院的产妇急诊室。入院后,患者醒着并定向,在尿液试纸测试中血压为180 / 120mmHg,蛋白质值为3+。临床检查-尚无超声检查-导致入院诊断:分娩受阻,胎儿宫内死亡和先兆子痫。在严密的血压监测下进行5mg肼屈嗪的施用。在分娩的自然过程中,一个未知的连体双胞胎的一个头出生了。患者发展了子痫发作。实施MgSO4方案的负荷剂量后,癫痫发作得以缓解。阴道检查导致意外诊断出双胞胎。立即通过纵向中线切口在全麻下进行紧急剖宫产。出生的头被阴道重新定位。死产的连体双胞胎表现出女性胸腔型,似乎累及心脏。 8周后,该妇女在临床上完全康复。



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