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Unilateral Atraumatic Expulsion of an Ectopic Pregnancy in a Case of Bilateral Ectopic Pregnancy




Ectopic pregnancy occurs in 1-2% of pregnancies. The fallopian tube is the most common site; however, bilateral tubal ectopic pregnancy is an extremely rare phenomenon, seen in approximately 1/200,000 pregnancies. It is usually the result of assisted reproductive techniques (ART). Ultrasound (USS) and serial beta-hCG levels have shown poor efficacy for accurate diagnosis. Laparoscopy is the diagnostic gold standard. The majority of cases are managed surgically with bilateral salpingectomy. A 26-year-old female presented to our early pregnancy unit with pain and vaginal bleeding at 5-week gestation after IVF. USS was inconclusive and her b-hCG levels rose with worsening pain; therefore, a decision was made for diagnostic laparoscopy. Although there was a clear right sided ectopic pregnancy, the left tube was swollen and therefore a methylene blue dye test was carried out to confirm blockage. Atraumatic milking, to expose the dye, expelled necrotic tissue which histology confirmed to be a second ectopic pregnancy. She made a good recovery with falling beta-hCG levels and left tubal preservation. As the use of ART increases, bilateral ectopic pregnancies will become more common. Novel and established techniques should be used to help confirm the diagnosis and assist in tubal preservation.
机译:异位妊娠发生在1-2%的妊娠中。输卵管是最常见的部位。然而,双侧输卵管异位妊娠是一种极为罕见的现象,在大约1 / 200,000妊娠中可见。这通常是辅助生殖技术(ART)的结果。超声(USS)和连续的β-hCG水平已显示出无法准确诊断的功效。腹腔镜检查是诊断的金标准。大多数病例通过双侧输卵管切除术进行手术治疗。一名26岁的女性在IVF后妊娠5周时出现在我们的早期妊娠单位,出现疼痛和阴道流血。 USS尚无定论,她的b-hCG水平随着疼痛加重而上升。因此,决定进行腹腔镜诊断。尽管右侧异位妊娠明显,但左管肿胀,因此进行了亚甲蓝染料测试以确认阻塞。无创挤奶,以暴露出染料,排出坏死组织,组织学证实这是第二次异位妊娠。她的β-hCG水平下降并保留了左侧输卵管,因此恢复良好。随着ART的使用增加,双侧异位妊娠将变得更加普遍。应使用新颖和成熟的技术来帮助确定诊断并协助输卵管保存。



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