首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences >Conflict of interest in a mutualism: documenting the elusive fig wasp-seed trade-off

Conflict of interest in a mutualism: documenting the elusive fig wasp-seed trade-off




The generally accepted view that mutualisms represent reciprocal exploitations implies a greater or lesser degree of inherent tension between the partners. This view emphasizes the importance of identifying conflicts of interest between the partners, and then attempting to quantify the effects of factors that influence costs and benefits to each. The natural history of the speciose fig-fig wasp pollination mutualisms permits such measurements. However, previous attempts to document the presumed tensions, which are expected to result in a negative relationship between the production of viable seeds and pollinator wasp offspring, have met with mixed results, casting doubt on the existence of the conflict. Here, we present hierarchical analyses of 929 fruits sampled from 30 crops representing nine species of monoecious New World figs. These analyses control for the confounding influences of variation in (1) pollination intensity (numbers of foundress pollinators); (2) flower number per fruit; and (3) the proportion of those flowers that develop, on seed and wasp production, both among and within crops. We thereby show that a negative relationship between the production of viable seeds and wasps is, in fact, ubiquitous, thus documenting this underlying tension inherent in the mutualism. We suggest that complex interactions of variables that influence costs and benefits are likely to be a general property of most mutualistic systems. <br>
机译:人们普遍接受的观点认为,互惠主义代表相互剥削,或多或少地表明了伙伴之间的内在张力。这种观点强调了识别合作伙伴之间利益冲突,然后试图量化影响每个参与者成本和收益的因素的影响的重要性。特定的无花果黄蜂授粉共生的自然历史允许进行此类测量。但是,以前记录假定的紧张关系的尝试(可能导致活种子的生产与传粉媒介黄蜂后代之间的负相关关系)得到了喜忧参半的结果,使人们对冲突的存在产生怀疑。在这里,我们对从代表9种新世界无花果的30种农作物中取样的929种水果进行了层次分析。这些分析控制了(1)授粉强度(基础授粉者的数量)变化的混杂影响。 (2)每个水果的花数; (3)在种子之间和作物内部以及种子和黄蜂的生产中所开花的花朵的比例。因此,我们表明,活种子和黄蜂的生产之间存在负相关关系,事实上,这种关系无处不在,因此证明了这种共生固有的内在张力。我们认为影响成本和收益的变量的复杂交互可能是大多数互惠系统的普遍属性。



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