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Annona reticulata Linn. (Bullocks heart): Plant profile phytochemistry and pharmacological properties

机译:Annona reticulata Linn。 (布洛克的心脏):植物概况植物化学和药理特性



From the beginning of human civilization plants and plant based chemicals are the most important sources of medicines. Phytochemical and different products obtained from plant are used as medicines, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics and food supplements. Annona reticulata Linn. (牛心果 niú xīn guǒ; Bullock's heart) is a versatile tree and its fruits are edible. Parts of A. reticulata are used as source of medicine and also for industrial products. It possesses several medicinal properties such as anthelmintic, analgesic, anti-inflammatory, antipyretic, wound healing and cytotoxic effects. It is widely distributed with phytochemicals like tannins, alkaloids, phenols, glycosides, flavonoids and steroids. Present article is an attempt to highlight over taxonomy, morphology, geographical distribution, phytoconstituents and pharmacological activities of A. reticulata reported so far.
机译:从人类文明开始,植物和基于植物的化学物质是最重要的药物来源。植物化学物质和从植物中获得的不同产品被用作药物,药品,化妆品和食品补充剂。 Annona reticulata Linn。 (牛心果niúxīnguǒ;布洛克的心脏)是一种多用途树,其果实可食用。网纹拟南芥的部分用作药物来源,也用于工业产品。它具有多种药用特性,例如驱虫药,止痛药,抗炎药,退热药,伤口愈合和细胞毒性作用。它广泛分布于诸如丹宁酸,生物碱,酚,糖苷,类黄酮和类固醇的植物化学物质中。本文旨在突出到目前为止报道的网状拟南芥的分类,形态,地理分布,植物成分和药理活性。



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