首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>Clinical Pediatric Endocrinology >A Japanese Male Patient with ‘Fibular Aplasia Tibial Campomelia and Oligodactyly’: An Additional Case Report

A Japanese Male Patient with ‘Fibular Aplasia Tibial Campomelia and Oligodactyly’: An Additional Case Report




We report a male infant with FATCO syndrome, an acronym for fibular aplasia, tibial campomelia, and oligosyndactyly. Courtens et al. reported an infant with oligosyndactyly of the left hand, complete absence of the right fibula, bowing of the right tibia, and absence of the right fifth metatarsal and phalanges. They noted 5 patients with similar clinical features, and proposed the FATCO syndrome. Our patient had a left-sided cleft lip, cleft palate, oligosyndactyly of the right hand and bilateral feet, and bilateral anterior bowing of the limbs associated with overlying skin dimpling. Radiographs showed a short angulated tibia with left fibular aplasia and right fibular hypoplasia. We consider our case the 6th patient with FATCO syndrome, and the cleft lip and palate, not reported in the previous 5 patients, may allow us to further understand the development of the extremities and facies.
机译:我们报道了一名患有FATCO综合征的男婴,FATCO综合征是腓肠发育不全,胫骨弯曲带和寡突肌的首字母缩写。 Courtens等。报道了一个婴儿左手少突突,右腓骨完全缺失,右胫骨弯曲以​​及右第五meta骨和趾骨缺失。他们注意到5名具有相似临床特征的患者,并提出了FATCO综合征。我们的患者左侧唇裂,pa裂,右手和双侧脚少见,四肢双侧前弓与上覆皮肤凹陷有关。 X线片显示胫骨短而短,伴有左腓骨发育不全和右腓骨发育不全。我们认为本例是FATCO综合征的第六例患者,而前5例中未报告的唇pa裂可能使我们进一步了解了四肢和相的发展。



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