首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>Comparative Cytogenetics >The blue butterfly Polyommatus (Plebicula) atlanticus (Lepidoptera Lycaenidae) holds the record of the highest number of chromosomes in the non-polyploid eukaryotic organisms

The blue butterfly Polyommatus (Plebicula) atlanticus (Lepidoptera Lycaenidae) holds the record of the highest number of chromosomes in the non-polyploid eukaryotic organisms




The blue butterfly species Polyommatus (Plebicula) atlanticus (Elwes, 1906) (Lepidoptera, Lycaenidae) is known to have a very high haploid number of chromosomes (n= circa 223). However, this approximate count made by Hugo de Lesse 45 years ago was based on analysis of a single meiotic I metaphase plate, not confirmed by study of diploid chromosome set and not documented by microphotographs. Here I demonstrate that (1) Polyommatus atlanticus is a diploid (non-polyploid) species, (2) its meiotic I chromosome complement includes at least 224-226 countable chromosome bodies, and (3) all (or nearly all) chromosome elements in meiotic I karyotype are represented by bivalents. I also provide the first data on the diploid karyotype and estimate the diploid chromosome number as 2n=ca448-452. Thus, Polyommatus atlanticus is confirmed to possess the highest chromosome number among all the non-polyploid eukaryotic organisms.
机译:已知蓝蝴蝶物种Polyommatus(Plebicula)atlanticus(Elwes,1906)(Lepidoptera,Lycaenidae)的单倍体染色体数目非常高(n =约223)。然而,Hugo de Lesse于45年前所做的近似计数是基于对单个减数分裂I中期板的分析,未通过二倍体染色体组的研究得到证实,也未通过显微照片记录。在这里,我证明(1)大西洋多毛蟹是一种二倍体(非多倍体)种,(2)其减数分裂I染色体补体至少包含224-226个可计数的染色体体,以及(3)染色体中的所有(或几乎所有)染色体元素减数分裂I核型以二价表示。我还提供了有关二倍体核型的第一个数据,并估计二倍体染色体数为2n = ca448-452。因此,证实在所有非多倍体真核生物中,Polyommatus 大西洋具有最高的染色体数。



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