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Uretero-Arterial Fistula - Not So Rare?




The first uretero-arterial fistula (UAF) was reported in 1908 by Moschcowitz. In 2009, a systematic review identified 139 cases. Since then a further 23 cases were described with 19 cases originating from a single center. It has been recognized as a very rare condition in the past. However, more recently, the increasing incidence of UAF has led us to believe that this condition is more frequent than previously described. Aging population, improved cancer survival and extensive multimodal pelvic cancer treatments have been recognized as culprits for the increased incidence of UAFs. We have reviewed literature on UAFs, identified risk factors, patho-physiology and treatment options. Also, we present a case of fistulous communication between the internal iliac artery and ureter in a patient with a potential risk factor previously not described in the literature.
机译:Moschcowitz在1908年报道了第一例输尿管动脉瘘(UAF)。 2009年,系统审查确定了139例。从那以后,又描述了23个案例,其中19个案例来自单个中心。在过去,它被认为是非常罕见的情况。但是,最近,UAF的发病率不断上升,使我们相信这种情况比以前描述的更为频繁。人口老龄化,改善的癌症生存率和广泛的多式联运盆腔癌治疗已被认为是导致UAF发生率增加的罪魁祸首。我们回顾了有关UAF,确定的危险因素,病理生理和治疗选择的文献。另外,我们还介绍了患者内内动脉和输尿管之间瘘管通畅的病例,其潜在危险因素以前没有在文献中描述。



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