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Discovery and description of a mysterious Asian flying squirrel (Rodentia Sciuridae Biswamoyopterus) from Mount Gaoligong southwest China




The flying squirrels of the tribe Pteromyini (Family Sciuridae) currently include 15 genera of which the genus Biswamoyopterus comprises two recognized species, B.biswasi Saha, 1981 and B.laoensis Sanamxay et al., 2013. These two species were each described from only one specimen that are separated from each other by 1,250 kilometres in southern Asia, where they occur in northeast India and central Lao PDR respectively. In 2017 and 2018, two specimens of Biswamoyopterus were discovered from Mount Gaoligong, west Yunnan province, southwest China (between the type locality of the two recognized species). This study aimed to evaluate the taxonomic status of these two newly acquired specimens of Biswamoyopterus by comparing their morphology with the two described species of the genus. The results of this study showed that the specimens from Yunnan province (China) differed from both B.laoensis and B.biswasi in both pelage colour and craniology, and should be recognised as a distinct species, B.gaoligongensis>sp. nov., which is formally described here. This study contributes to the understanding of the flying squirrels of southern Asia and identifies an additional species that appears to be endemic to southwest China; however, more research is required to provide details of its ecology, distribution, and conservation status.
机译:翼龙族的飞鼠目前包括15个属,其中Biswamoyopterus属包括两个公认的物种,即B.biswasi Saha,1981年和B.laoensis Sanamxay等人,2013年。其中一个标本在南亚彼此相距1250公里,分别出现在印度东北部和老挝人民民主共和国中部。在2017年和2018年,从中国西南部云南省高黎贡山(位于中国之间)发现了两个 Biswamoyopterus 标本。两个公认物种的类型局部性)。这项研究旨在评估这两个新获得的 Biswamoyopterus 的标本的分类状态。将它们的形态与两个描述的属进行比较。这项研究的结果表明,来自云南省(中国)的标本与 B。 老挝 B。 biswasi (无论是皮草颜色还是颅骨学),都应该被识别为不同的物种, B。 高丽贡山 > sp。 ,将在此处正式介绍。这项研究有助于了解亚洲南部的松鼠,并确定了一种似乎在中国西南地区特有的物种。然而,需要更多的研究来提供其生态,分布和保护状况的详细信息。



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