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Changes in salt-marsh carabid assemblages after an invasion by the native grass Elymus athericus (Link) Kerguélen

机译:天然草天蛾(Elymus athericus)入侵后盐沼甲壳类动物群落的变化(链接)



As a result of an invasion by the native grass Elymus athericus (Link) Kerguélen (Poaceae) in the last 10 years, a major change in vegetation cover has occurred in salt marshes of the Mont Saint-Michel bay, Western France. The impact of such an invasion on carabid assemblages, a dominant group of terrestrial arthropods in these habitats and containing several stenotopic species, is investigated here. In our study site, carabid data are available from 1983 and 1984, allowing a comparison of species distribution ranges in salt marshes before (1983–1984) and after (2002) the Elymus athericus invasion. A total of 16,867 adults belonging to 40 species were caught. By considering the presence-absence of species shared between studies, we show that the invasion by Elymus athericus promoted the progression of non-coastal species (mainly Pterostichus s.l. spp.). This did however not interfere with resident species distributions, finally resulting in higher carabid species richness in the entire area. The species composition and abundances of carabid assemblages were also compared between natural and invaded stations in 2002. The main result is that abundances of some halophilic species decreased in one invaded plot (in case of Pogonus chalceus (Marsham 1802)) whereas the opposite pattern was observed for other species (e.g., Bembidion minimum (Fabricius 1792)). Invaded habitats were characterized by lower percentages of halophilic species and higher total species richness.
机译:在过去的十年中,由于原生草草(Elymus athericus)(入侵科)的入侵,在法国西部圣米歇尔山(Mont Saint-Michel)湾的盐沼中植被发生了重大变化。在这里研究了这种入侵对在这些栖息地中占主导地位的陆生节肢动物群甲节动物的影响。在我们的研究站点中,可以得到1983年和1984年的锁链数据,从而可以比较盐斑草入侵之前(1983–1984)和之后(2002)之后盐沼的物种分布范围。总共捕获了16867个成年人,属于40种。通过考虑研究之间共享的物种的不存在,我们显示了鞘翅目披碱草的入侵促进了非沿海物种(主要是翼手龙属)的进展。但是,这并未干扰常驻物种的分布,最终导致整个地区的腕足类物种丰富度更高。还比较了2002年自然站和被入侵站的腕甲组合的物种组成和丰度。主要结果是,在一个被入侵的地块中某些嗜盐物种的丰度降低了(以Pogonus chalceus(Marsham 1802)为例),而相反的模式是观察到其他物种(例如,最小比本比定(Fabricius 1792))。入侵栖息地的特征是嗜盐物种的百分比较低,物种丰富度较高。



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