首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>Virology Journal >Deciphering viral presences: two novel partial giant viruses detected in marine metagenome and in a mine drainage metagenome

Deciphering viral presences: two novel partial giant viruses detected in marine metagenome and in a mine drainage metagenome




Nucleo-cytoplasmic large DNA viruses are doubled stranded DNA viruses capable of infecting eukaryotic cells. Since the discovery of Mimivirus and Pandoravirus, there has been no doubt about their extraordinary features compared to “classic” viruses. Recently, we reported the expansion of the proposed family Pithoviridae, with the description of Cedratvirus and Orpheovirus, two new viruses related to Pithoviruses. Studying the major capsid protein of Orpheovirus, we detected a homologous sequence in a mine drainage metagenome. The in-depth exploration of this metagenome, using the MG-Digger program, enabled us to retrieve up to 10 contigs with clear evidence of viral sequences. Moreover, phylogenetic analyses further extended our screening with the discovery in another marine metagenome of a second virus closely related to Orpheovirus IHUMI-LCC2. This virus is a misidentified virus confused with and annotated as a Rickettsiales bacterium. It presents a partial genome size of about 170 kbp.Electronic supplementary materialThe online version of this article (10.1186/s12985-018-0976-9) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.
机译:核质大DNA病毒是能够感染真核细胞的双链DNA病毒。自发现Mimivirus和Pandoravirus以来,与“经典”病毒相比,它们的非凡功能无疑是毋庸置疑的。最近,我们报道了拟议的拟南芥科病毒的扩展,其中描述了与拟南芥病毒有关的两种新病毒Cedratvirus和Orpheovirus。研究了正痘病毒的主要衣壳蛋白,我们在一个矿井排水的基因组中检测到了一个同源序列。使用MG-Digger程序对该元基因组进行了深入的探索,使我们能够检索到多达10个重叠群,并且有清晰的病毒序列证据。此外,系统发育分析进一步扩展了我们的筛选,其发现是在另一个海洋元基因组中发现了第二种与Orpheovirus IHUMI-LCC2密切相关的病毒。该病毒是误认的病毒,与立克次氏体细菌混为一谈,并带有注释。它提供了约170 kbp的部分基因组大小。电子补充材料本文的在线版本(10.1186 / s12985-018-0976-9)包含补充材料,授权用户可以使用。



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