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A review of the benefits of early treatment initiation with single-pill combinations of telmisartan with amlodipine or hydrochlorothiazide




This review discusses the rationale for earlier use of single-pill combinations (SPCs) of antihypertensive drugs, with a focus on telmisartan/amlodipine (T/A) and telmisartan/hydrochlorothiazide (T/H) SPCs. Compared with the respective monotherapies, the once-daily T/A and T/H SPCs have been shown to result in significantly higher blood pressure (BP) reductions, BP goal rates, and response rates in patients at all stages of hypertension. As expected, BP reductions are highest with the highest dose (T80/A10 and T80/H25) SPCs. Subgroup analyses of the telmisartan trials have reported the efficacy of both SPCs to be consistent, regardless of the patients’ age, race, and coexisting diabetes, obesity, or renal impairment. In patients with mild-to-moderate hypertension, the T/A combination provides superior 24-hour BP-lowering efficacy compared with either treatment administered as monotherapy. Similarly, the T/H SPC treatment provides superior 24-hour BP-lowering efficacy, especially in the last 6 hours relative to other renin–angiotensin system inhibitor-based SPCs. The T/A SPC is associated with a lower incidence of edema than amlodipine monotherapy, and the T/H SPC with a lower incidence of hypokalemia than hydrochlorothiazide monotherapy. Existing evidence supports the use of the T/A SPC for the treatment of hypertensive patients with prediabetes, diabetes, or metabolic syndrome, due to the metabolic neutrality of both component drugs, and the use of the T/H SPC for those patients with edema or in need of volume reduction.
机译:这篇综述讨论了降压药单药组合(SPC)早期使用的理由,重点是替米沙坦/氨氯地平(T / A)和替米沙坦/氢氯噻嗪(T / H)SPC。与相应的单一疗法相比,每天一次的T / A和T / H SPC已显示出在高血压各个阶段的患者,其血压(BP)降低,BP目标率和反应率均明显更高。如预期的那样,最高剂量(T80 / A10和T80 / H25)SPC可使BP降低最高。替米沙坦试验的亚组分析表明,无论患者的年龄,种族,并存的糖尿病,肥胖症或肾功能不全,两种SPC的疗效都是一致的。与轻度至中度高血压患者相比,T / A组合提供的24小时BP降低疗效优于单一疗法。同样,T / H SPC治疗可提供出色的24小时BP降低功效,尤其是在最近6小时内,相对于其他基于肾素-血管紧张素系统抑制剂的SPC。与氨氯地平单一疗法相比,T / A SPC与较低的水肿发生率相关,与氢氯噻嗪单一疗法相比,与T / H SPC相比低钾血症的发生率更低。由于两种成分药物的代谢中性,现有证据支持使用T / A SPC治疗患有糖尿病前期,糖尿病或代谢综合征的高血压患者,以及将T / H SPC用于患有水肿的患者或需要减少体积。



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