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Improving In-Situ Estimation of Soil Profile Properties Using a Multi-Sensor Probe




Optical diffuse reflectance spectroscopy (DRS) has been used for estimating soil physical and chemical properties in the laboratory. In-situ DRS measurements offer the potential for rapid, reliable, non-destructive, and low cost measurement of soil properties in the field. In this study, conducted on two central Missouri fields in 2016, a commercial soil profile instrument, the Veris P4000, acquired visible and near-infrared (VNIR) spectra (343–2222 nm), apparent electrical conductivity (ECa), cone index (CI) penetrometer readings, and depth data, simultaneously to a 1 m depth using a vertical probe. Simultaneously, soil core samples were obtained and soil properties were measured in the laboratory. Soil properties were estimated using VNIR spectra alone and in combination with depth, ECa, and CI (DECS). Estimated soil properties included soil organic carbon (SOC), total nitrogen (TN), moisture, soil texture (clay, silt, and sand), cation exchange capacity (CEC), calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg), potassium (K), and pH. Multiple preprocessing techniques and calibration methods were applied to the spectral data and evaluated. Calibration methods included partial least squares regression (PLSR), neural networks, regression trees, and random forests. For most soil properties, the best model performance was obtained with the combination of preprocessing with a Gaussian smoothing filter and analysis by PLSR. In addition, DECS improved estimation of silt, sand, CEC, Ca, and Mg over VNIR spectra alone; however, the improvement was more than 5% only for Ca. Finally, differences in estimation accuracy were observed between the two fields despite them having similar soils, with one field demonstrating better results for all soil properties except silt. Overall, this study demonstrates the potential for in-situ estimation of profile soil properties using a multi-sensor approach, and provides suggestions regarding the best combination of sensors, preprocessing, and modeling techniques for in-situ estimation of profile soil properties.
机译:光学漫反射光谱法(DRS)已用于评估实验室中的土壤物理和化学性质。现场DRS测量提供了在现场快速,可靠,无损且低成本测量土壤特性的潜力。在这项于2016年在密苏里州中部两个油田进行的研究中,商用土壤剖面仪Veris P4000获得了可见和近红外(VNIR)光谱(343–2222 nm),表观电导率(ECa),锥度指数( CI)渗透计读数和深度数据,同时使用垂直探头同时达到1 m深度。同时,获得土壤核心样品并在实验室中测量土壤性质。仅使用VNIR光谱并结合深度,ECa和CI(DECS)即可估算土壤性质。估计的土壤性质包括土壤有机碳(SOC),总氮(TN),水分,土壤质地(粘土,淤泥和沙子),阳离子交换容量(CEC),钙(Ca),镁(Mg),钾(K )和pH。将多种预处理技术和校准方法应用于光谱数据并进行评估。校准方法包括偏最小二乘回归(PLSR),神经网络,回归树和随机森林。对于大多数土壤特性,结合使用高斯平滑滤波器的预处理和PLSR分析,可以获得最佳的模型性能。此外,DECS改进了仅通过VNIR光谱对泥沙,砂,CEC,Ca和Mg的估算;但是,仅Ca的改善超过5%。最后,尽管两个田地土壤相似,但在估算精度上仍存在差异,其中一个田地对除淤泥以外的所有土壤特性都显示出更好的结果。总的来说,这项研究证明了使用多传感器方法就地土壤特性进行原位估计的潜力,并就传感器,预处理和建模技术的最佳组合提供了建议,以用于就地土壤特性进行原位估计。



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