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Pre-Impact Detection Algorithm to Identify Tripping Events Using Wearable Sensors




This study aimed to investigate the performance of an updated version of our pre-impact detection algorithm parsing out the output of a set of Inertial Measurement Units (IMUs) placed on lower limbs and designed to recognize signs of lack of balance due to tripping. Eight young subjects were asked to manage tripping events while walking on a treadmill. An adaptive threshold-based algorithm, relying on a pool of adaptive oscillators, was tuned to identify abrupt kinematics modifications during tripping. Inputs of the algorithm were the elevation angles of lower limb segments, as estimated by IMUs located on thighs, shanks and feet. The results showed that the proposed algorithm can identify a lack of balance in about 0.37 ± 0.11 s after the onset of the perturbation, with a low percentage of false alarms (<10%), by using only data related to the perturbed shank. The proposed algorithm can hence be considered a multi-purpose tool to identify different perturbations (i.e., slippage and tripping). In this respect, it can be implemented for different wearable applications (e.g., smart garments or wearable robots) and adopted during daily life activities to enable on-demand injury prevention systems prior to fall impacts.
机译:这项研究旨在调查我们的撞击前检测算法的更新版本的性能,该算法解析出放置在下肢上的一组惯性测量单元(IMU)的输出,并旨在识别由于绊倒而导致缺乏平衡的迹象。八名年轻受试者被要求在跑步机上行走时管理绊倒事件。调整了基于自适应阈值的算法,该算法依赖于自适应振荡器池,以识别跳闸期间的突然运动学修改。该算法的输入是下肢节段的仰角,由位于大腿,小腿和脚上的IMU估计。结果表明,所提出的算法可以通过仅使用与被干扰小腿相关的数据来识别出在被干扰开始后约0.37±0.11 s内的平衡不足,错误警报的发生率较低(<10%)。因此,可以将所提出的算法视为识别不同扰动(即,滑移和跳闸)的多功能工具。在这方面,它可以用于不同的可穿戴应用(例如,智能服装或可穿戴机器人),并可以在日常生活活动中采用,以在跌落冲击之前启用按需伤害预防系统。



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