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Characterization of a Sulfonated Polycarbonate Resistive Humidity Sensor




In this work; resistive moisture sensors were obtained by dip coating sulfonated polycarbonate (SPC) onto silver interdigitated electrodes. Commercial polycarbonate was sulfonated with acetyl sulphate at two different sulfonation degrees corresponding to 9.0 and 18.0 mole %. Impedance spectroscopy was used to investigate the humidity sensing properties at controlled relative humidity (RH%) environments generated from standard saline solutions in the range of 11–90 RH%. For the highest sulfonated sample; in the RH% range investigated (11 to 90%); the sensor impedance changed from 4.7 MΩ to 18 kΩ. Humidity sensors made from sulfonated polycarbonate showed exponential decay behavior of the impedance at constant frequency with the environmental relative humidity. Sample 9SPC presented dielectric relaxation response for environmental humidity between 58 and 90 RH% while sample 18SPC presented dielectric relaxation response for the entire measured range between 11 and 90 RH%. Sulfonated polycarbonate could be a promising material for the fabrication of simple and cheap humidity-sensing sensors for the assessment of relative humidity of the surrounding environment, as suggested by experimental results.
机译:在这项工作中;电阻式湿度传感器是通过将磺化聚碳酸酯(SPC)浸涂在叉指式银电极上而获得的。用乙酰硫酸盐以对应于9.0和18.0摩尔%的两种不同的磺化度将商品聚碳酸酯磺化。阻抗光谱法用于研究标准盐溶液在11–90 RH%范围内产生的受控相对湿度(RH%)环境下的湿度传感特性。对于最高磺化样品;在所研究的相对湿度百分比范围内(11至90%);传感器阻抗从4.7MΩ变为18kΩ。由磺化聚碳酸酯制成的湿度传感器在恒定频率下随环境相对湿度显示出阻抗的指数衰减行为。样品9SPC在58至90 RH%之间的环境湿度下呈现介电弛豫响应,而样品18SPC在11至90 RH%的整个测量范围内呈现介电弛豫响应。如实验结果所示,磺化聚碳酸酯可能是一种有前途的材料,可用于制造简单,廉价的湿度感应传感器,用于评估周围环境的相对湿度。



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