首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>Sensors (Basel Switzerland) >A Local Weighted Nearest Neighbor Algorithm and a Weighted and Constrained Least-Squared Method for Mixed Odor Analysis by Electronic Nose Systems

A Local Weighted Nearest Neighbor Algorithm and a Weighted and Constrained Least-Squared Method for Mixed Odor Analysis by Electronic Nose Systems




A great deal of work has been done to develop techniques for odor analysis by electronic nose systems. These analyses mostly focus on identifying a particular odor by comparing with a known odor dataset. However, in many situations, it would be more practical if each individual odorant could be determined directly. This paper proposes two methods for such odor components analysis for electronic nose systems. First, a K-nearest neighbor (KNN)-based local weighted nearest neighbor (LWNN) algorithm is proposed to determine the components of an odor. According to the component analysis, the odor training data is firstly categorized into several groups, each of which is represented by its centroid. The examined odor is then classified as the class of the nearest centroid. The distance between the examined odor and the centroid is calculated based on a weighting scheme, which captures the local structure of each predefined group. To further determine the concentration of each component, odor models are built by regressions. Then, a weighted and constrained least-squares (WCLS) method is proposed to estimate the component concentrations. Experiments were carried out to assess the effectiveness of the proposed methods. The LWNN algorithm is able to classify mixed odors with different mixing ratios, while the WCLS method can provide good estimates on component concentrations.
机译:为了开发电子鼻系统进行气味分析的技术,已经进行了大量工作。这些分析主要集中在通过与已知气味数据集进行比较来识别特定气味。但是,在许多情况下,如果可以直接确定每种单独的气味剂,将更加实用。本文提出了两种分析电子鼻系统气味成分的方法。首先,提出了一种基于K最近邻(KNN)的局部加权最近邻(LWNN)算法来确定气味的成分。根据成分分析,首先将气味训练数据分为几组,每组均以质心表示。然后将检查的气味分类为最接近的质心。根据加权方案计算所检查的气味和质心之间的距离,该方案捕获每个预定义组的局部结构。为了进一步确定每种成分的浓度,通过回归建立了气味模型。然后,提出了加权约束最小二乘(WCLS)方法来估计组分浓度。实验进行了评估所提出的方法的有效性。 LWNN算法能够对具有不同混合比的混合气味进行分类,而WCLS方法可以提供对组分浓度的良好估算。



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