首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>SAHARA J : Journal of Social Aspects of HIV/AIDS Research Alliance >‘I thought if I marry the prophet I would not die’: The significance of religious affiliation on marriage HIV testing and reproductive health practices among young married women in Zimbabwe

‘I thought if I marry the prophet I would not die’: The significance of religious affiliation on marriage HIV testing and reproductive health practices among young married women in Zimbabwe




This study examines the association between religious affiliation and reasons for marriage, perceived church attitudes, and reproductive health-seeking behaviors, including HIV testing, among young women in eastern rural Zimbabwe. The sample comprised women (N = 35) who had married by 2012 while participating in a larger randomized controlled trial (RCT) to test the effects of school support on HIV-related risk. The RCT sample was identified in 2007 as all female sixth graders in 25 rural eastern Zimbabwe primary schools whose parents, one or both, had died (N = 328). In our previous RCT analyses, we found that participants who affiliated with an Apostolic church were more than four times more likely to marry than those from non-Apostolic churches and that control group participants were twice as likely to marry as those in the intervention group. Other studies had found that marriage greatly increased the odds of HIV infection among adolescent women. Given the link between Apostolic affiliation and marriage, we conducted semi-structured interviews to explore type of marriage, reasons for marrying, church affiliation and attitudes, family planning, HIV testing, schooling, and family life. We were interested in differences, as perceived by our sample of young married women congregants, among Apostolic sects and other denominations in their attitudes about marriage and health-seeking behaviors. We were also interested in the influence of church affiliation on intervention participants’ decision to marry, since they had comprehensive school support and education is highly valued in Zimbabwe, but costly and often out of financial reach. Interviews were conducted from October 2012 through November 2013; data were analyzed using a general inductive approach. We found that pressure or perceived deception for coitus or marriage was reported only by intervention participants affiliated with Apostolic denominations. Other reasons for marriage were similar between Apostolic and non-Apostolic adherents, as well as intervention and control conditions. All participants believed HIV testing was important, but while all non-Apostolic denominations encouraged HIV testing and clinic/hospital care, there was considerable heterogeneity in attitudes among Apostolics, with ultraconservative denominations most likely to proscribe non-religious health care. We conclude that some, but not all, Apostolic-affiliated women are afforded discretion in their health-seeking behaviors. Since HIV screening and treatment depend on access to clinic/hospital care, continued public health efforts to engage Apostolic leaders is needed, along with monitoring of progress in access and outcomes.
机译:这项研究调查了津巴布韦东部农村地区的年轻女性的宗教信仰和婚姻原因,知觉的教会态度以及寻求生殖健康的行为(包括艾滋病毒检测)之间的关联。该样本包括2012年结婚的妇女(N = 35),他们参加了一项较大的随机对照试验(RCT),以测试学校支持对艾滋病毒相关风险的影响。 RCT样本于2007年被确定为津巴布韦东部25所农村小学的所有六年级女生,其父母中的一者或两者均死亡(N = 328)。在我们以前的RCT分析中,我们发现,与使徒教会有联系的参与者结婚的可能性是非使徒教会的参与者的结婚可能性的四倍以上,而对照组的参与者结婚的可能性是干预组的参与者的两倍。其他研究发现,婚姻大大增加了青春期妇女感染艾滋病毒的几率。考虑到使徒隶属关系和婚姻之间的联系,我们进行了半结构化访谈,以探讨婚姻类型,结婚原因,教会隶属关系和态度,计划生育,艾滋病毒检测,就学和家庭生活。正如我们对年轻的已婚妇女同伴的抽样所见,我们对使徒教派和其他教派在婚姻和寻求健康行为的态度上的差异感兴趣。我们也对教会的隶属关系对干预参与者结婚决定的影响感兴趣,因为他们得到了全面的学校支持,津巴布韦对教育的重视度很高,但成本高昂,而且往往没有经济能力。访谈时间为2012年10月至2013年11月;使用一般归纳法分析数据。我们发现,只有与使徒教派有联系的干预参与者才报告对性交或婚姻的压力或感知的欺骗。使徒和非使徒的信徒之间的婚姻其他原因,以及干预和控制条件也相似。所有参与者都认为艾滋病毒检测很重要,但是尽管所有非使徒教派都鼓励进行艾滋病毒检测和诊所/医院护理,但使徒在态度上存在很大的异质性,超保守派则最有可能禁止非宗教保健。我们得出的结论是,使徒隶属的某些(但不是全部)妇女在寻求健康行为方面享有酌处权。由于艾滋病毒的筛查和治疗取决于获得诊所/医院护理的机会,因此需要持续的公共卫生努力来吸引使徒领袖,同时还要监测获得途径和结果的进展。



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