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Performance in L1 and L2 observed in Arabic-Hebrew bilingual aphasic following brain tumor: A case constitutes double dissociation




This study aimed to verify the existence of a double first language (L1)/second language (L2) dissociation. In recent work, I described a case study of a Arabic-Hebrew aphasic patient (MH) with disturbances in the two languages, with Hebrew (L2) being more impaired. In this case, an Arabic-Hebrew bilingual patient (MM) with a similar cultural background who suffered brain damage following a left hemisphere tumor (oligodendroglioma) and craniotomy is reported. The same materials were used, which overcame methodological constraints in our previous work. The results revealed a complementary pattern of severe impairment of L1 (Arabic), while MM had mild language disorder in L2 (Hebrew) with intact semantic knowledge in both languages. These two cases demonstrate a double L1/L2 dissociation in unique languages, and support the notion that bilingual persons could have distinct cortical language areas.
机译:这项研究旨在验证是否存在双重第一语言(L1)/第二语言(L2)分离。在最近的工作中,我描述了一个案例研究,该案例研究了阿拉伯语-希伯来语失语症患者(MH)两种语言的障碍,而希伯来语(L2)的障碍更大。在这种情况下,据报道,具有相似文化背景的阿拉伯-希伯来语双语患者(MM)在左半球肿瘤(少突胶质细胞瘤)和开颅手术后遭受脑损伤。使用了相同的材料,克服了我们先前工作中的方法论限制。结果显示,L1(阿拉伯语)严重受损的互补模式,而MM在L2(希伯来语)中具有轻度语言障碍,并且两种语言的语义知识均完整。这两种情况表明,L1 / L2在独特语言中是双重解离,并且支持双语者可能具有不同的皮层语言区域的观点。



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