首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America >PNAS Plus: Live births from artificial insemination of microfluidic-sorted bovine spermatozoa characterized by trajectories correlated with fertility

PNAS Plus: Live births from artificial insemination of microfluidic-sorted bovine spermatozoa characterized by trajectories correlated with fertility

机译:PNAS Plus:通过微授精的牛精子的人工授精活产其特征是与生育力相关的轨迹



Selection of functional spermatozoa plays a crucial role in assisted reproduction. Passage of spermatozoa through the female reproductive tract requires progressive motility to locate the oocyte. This preferential ability to reach the fertilization site confers fertility advantage to spermatozoa. Current routine sperm selection techniques are inadequate and fail to provide conclusive evidence on the sperm characteristics that may affect fertilization. We therefore developed a selection strategy for functional and progressively motile bovine spermatozoa with high DNA integrity based on the ability to cross laminar flow streamlines in a diffuser-type microfluidic sperm sorter (DMSS). The fluid dynamics, with respect to microchannel geometry and design, are relevant in the propulsion of spermatozoa and, consequently, ultrahigh-throughput sorting. Sorted spermatozoa were assessed for kinematic parameters, acrosome reaction, mitochondrial membrane potential, and DNA integrity. Kinematic and trajectory patterns were used to identify fertility-related subpopulations: the rapid, straighter, progressive, nonsinuous pattern (PN) and the transitional, sinuous pattern (TS). In contrast to the conventional notion that the fertilizing spermatozoon is always vigorously motile and more linear, our results demonstrate that sinuous patterns are associated with fertility and correspond to truly functional spermatozoa as supported by more live births produced from predominant TS than PN subpopulation in the inseminate. Our findings ascertain the true practical application significance of microfluidic sorting of functional sperm characterized by sinuous trajectories that can serve as a behavioral sperm phenotype marker for fertility potential. More broadly, we foresee the clinical application of this sorting technology to assisted reproduction in humans.


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