
Magnesium isotope geochemistry in arc volcanism




Incorporation of subducted slab in arc volcanism plays an important role in producing the geochemical and isotopic variations in arc lavas. The mechanism and process by which the slab materials are incorporated, however, are still uncertain. Here, we report, to our knowledge, the first set of Mg isotopic data for a suite of arc lava samples from Martinique Island in the Lesser Antilles arc, which displays one of the most extreme geochemical and isotopic ranges, although the origin of this variability is still highly debated. We find the δ26Mg of the Martinique Island lavas varies from −0.25 to −0.10, in contrast to the narrow range that characterizes the mantle (−0.25 ± 0.04, 2 SD). These high δ26Mg values suggest the incorporation of isotopically heavy Mg from the subducted slab. The large contrast in MgO content between peridotite, basalt, and sediment makes direct mixing between sediment and peridotite, or assimilation by arc crust sediment, unlikely to be the main mechanism to modify Mg isotopes. Instead, the heavy Mg isotopic signature of the Martinique arc lavas requires that the overall composition of the mantle wedge is buffered and modified by the preferential addition of heavy Mg isotopes from fluids released from the altered subducted slab during fluid−mantle interaction. This, in turn, suggests transfer of a large amount of fluid-mobile elements from the subducting slab to the mantle wedge and makes Mg isotopes an excellent tracer of deep fluid migration.
机译:将俯冲板结合到弧状火山中,在弧状熔岩的地球化学和同位素变化中起着重要作用。然而,结合板坯材料的机理和过程仍不确定。据我们所知,在这里,我们报告了小安的列斯群岛弧中马提尼克岛弧熔岩样品的第一组镁同位素数据,该数据显示了最极端的地球化学和同位素范围之一,尽管这种变化的起源仍然受到高度争议。我们发现马提尼克岛熔岩的δ 26 Mg在-0.25到-0.10之间变化,与表征地幔的狭窄范围相反(-0.25±0.04,2 SD)。这些高的δ 26 Mg值表明从俯冲板中掺入了同位素重的Mg。橄榄岩,玄武岩和沉积物之间的MgO含量差异很大,使得沉积物和橄榄岩之间直接混合,或者被弧壳沉积物同化,这不太可能是修饰Mg同位素的主要机理。取而代之的是,马提尼克岛弧熔岩的重质镁同位素特征要求,通过在液-幔相互作用期间优先选择重金属镁同位素来缓冲和改变地幔楔的整体组成,重质镁同位素是从改变后的俯冲板释放的流体中优先添加的。反过来,这表明大量的流体活动元素从俯冲板转移到地幔楔,并使镁同位素成为深层流体运移的极好的示踪剂。



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