首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America >Electric double-layer transistor using layered iron selenide Mott insulator TlFe1.6Se2

Electric double-layer transistor using layered iron selenide Mott insulator TlFe1.6Se2




A1–xFe2–ySe2 (A = K, Cs, Rb, Tl) are recently discovered iron-based superconductors with critical temperatures (Tc) ranging up to 32 K. Their parent phases have unique properties compared with other iron-based superconductors; e.g., their crystal structures include ordered Fe vacancies, their normal states are antiferromagnetic (AFM) insulating phases, and they have extremely high Néel transition temperatures. However, control of carrier doping into the parent AFM insulators has been difficult due to their intrinsic phase separation. Here, we fabricated an Fe-vacancy-ordered TlFe1.6Se2 insulating epitaxial film with an atomically flat surface and examined its electrostatic carrier doping using an electric double-layer transistor (EDLT) structure with an ionic liquid gate. The positive gate voltage gave a conductance modulation of three orders of magnitude at 25 K, and further induced and manipulated a phase transition; i.e., delocalized carrier generation by electrostatic doping is the origin of the phase transition. This is the first demonstration, to the authors' knowledge, of an EDLT using a Mott insulator iron selenide channel and opens a way to explore high Tc superconductivity in iron-based layered materials, where carrier doping by conventional chemical means is difficult.
机译:A1-xFe2-ySe2(A = K,Cs,Rb,Tl)是最近发现的铁基超导体,其临界温度(Tc)高达32K。与其他铁基超导体相比,它们的母相具有独特的性能。例如,它们的晶体结构包括有序的Fe空位,其正常状态是反铁磁(AFM)绝缘相,并且它们具有极高的Néel转变温度。然而,由于其固有的相分离,很难控制载流子掺杂到母体AFM绝缘子中。在这里,我们制造了具有原子平面的铁空位TlFe1.6Se2绝缘外延膜,并使用带有离子液体门的双电层晶体管(EDLT)结构检查了其静电载流子掺杂。正栅极电压在25 K时给出了三个数量级的电导调制,并进一步感应和操纵了相变。即,通过静电掺杂产生的离域载流子是相变的起源。据作者所知,这是使用Mott绝缘子硒化铁通道的EDLT的首次演示,它开辟了一种探索铁基层状材料中高Tc超导性的方法,在该方法中,很难通过常规化学方法掺杂载流子。



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