首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America >Climate-associated phenological advances in bee pollinators and bee-pollinated plants

Climate-associated phenological advances in bee pollinators and bee-pollinated plants




The phenology of many ecological processes is modulated by temperature, making them potentially sensitive to climate change. Mutualistic interactions may be especially vulnerable because of the potential for phenological mismatching if the species involved do not respond similarly to changes in temperature. Here we present an analysis of climate-associated shifts in the phenology of wild bees, the most important pollinators worldwide, and compare these shifts to published studies of bee-pollinated plants over the same time period. We report that over the past 130 y, the phenology of 10 bee species from northeastern North America has advanced by a mean of 10.4 ± 1.3 d. Most of this advance has taken place since 1970, paralleling global temperature increases. When the best available data are used to estimate analogous rates of advance for plants, these rates are not distinguishable from those of bees, suggesting that bee emergence is keeping pace with shifts in host-plant flowering, at least among the generalist species that we investigated.
机译:许多生态过程的物候是受温度调节的,因此它们可能对气候变化敏感。如果所涉及的物种对温度的变化反应不同,则相互之间的相互作用可能特别脆弱,因为可能发生物候失配。在这里,我们对野生蜜蜂(全球最重要的传粉媒介)的物候学方面与气候相关的变化进行了分析,并将这些变化与同期发表的关于蜜蜂授粉植物的研究进行了比较。我们报告说,在过去的130年中,来自北美东北部的10种蜂的物候平均增长了10.4±1.3 d。自1970年以来,大部分进步都是在全球温度升高的同时发生的。当使用最好的可用数据来估计植物的相似提前率时,这些速率与蜜蜂无法区别,这表明蜜蜂的出现与寄主植物开花的变化保持同步,至少在我们调查的通才物种中。



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